10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

Off-shell Jacobi currents within the loop-tree duality

11 Jul 2019, 18:10
ICC - Baeckeland 2 (Ghent)

ICC - Baeckeland 2


Parallel talk Quantum Field and String Theory Quantum Field and String Theory


Dr William Javier Torres Bobadilla (IFIC CSIC-UV)


Scattering amplitudes in gauge theories display important applications for the calculation of observables in the physics that the LHC delivers and, also, formal properties where mathematical aspects are considered. In this talk we consider relations among scattering amplitudes that are obtained as a consequence of the duality between colour and kinematics. These relations are obtained from Jacobi-like identities of kinematic numerators. Hence, we show that the generation of off-shell currents, with a clever choice of the gauge, allows for finding integral relations as a byproduct of this duality. On top of it, we rely on the loop-tree duality formalism to systematise the derivation of these relations. Analytic examples in QCD are presented.


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