We consider possible effects of neutrino electric charge (millicharge) and charge radius [1,2] on the neutrino-atom interaction processes such as (i) atomic ionization by neutrino impact and (ii) coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering. The bounds [3,4] on the neutrino millicharge and charge radius that follow from, respectively, the GEMMA and COHERENT experiments are presented and discussed.
[1] C. Giunti and A. Studenikin, Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 531 (2015); arXiv:1403.6344.
[2] K. A. Kouzakov and A. I. Studenikin, Phys. Rev. D 96, 099904 (2017); arXiv:1703.00401.
[3] A. Studenikin, Europhys. Lett. 107, 39901 (2014); arXiv:1302.1168.
[4] M. Cadeddu, C. Giunti, K. A. Kouzakov, Y. F. Li, A. I. Studenikin, and Y. Y. Zhang, Phys. Rev. D 98, 113010 (2018); arXiv:1810.05606.