We consider in this work a Slotheon scalar field for Dark Energy. A Slotheon
field is inspired by extra dimensional models of Dvali, Gabadadze and
Porrati (DGP) related to brane world. In the decoupling limit
of this model, the DGP theory in Minkowski space-time is described by a
scalar field that obeys a shift symmetry. When extended to curved space time
this scalar field is termed as Slotheon field. In this work we calculate
general relativistic perturbations by deriving the Dark Energy and matter
perturbation equations and solve them numerically. The results are then
compared with similar quantities derived from LambdaCDM model. It appears
that the Slotheon field model for Dark Energy is more akin to
Dark energy in LambdaCDM model than that in standard Quintessence model.
A comparison has also been made between
the matter power spectra obtained from Slotheon model and LambdaCDM model.