10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

Production of open heavy flavour hadrons in pPb collisions at LHCb

11 Jul 2019, 16:30
ICC - Baeckeland 1 (Ghent)

ICC - Baeckeland 1


Parallel talk Heavy Ion Physics Heavy Ion Physics


Yanxi Zhang (CERN)


A rich set of open heavy flavour states is observed by LHCb in pPb collisions collected at 5 and 8.16 TeV nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energies. Thanks to the LHCb forward acceptance that is complementary to general purpose detectors, heavy-flavor hadrons can be studied down to zero transverse momentum. This talk presents production measurements of beauty hadrons and open charm states including baryons, through cleanly reconstructed exclusive decays. Results on nuclear effects, quantified by the nuclear modification factors, forward-to-backward production ratios and baryon-to-meson ratios, will be discussed.


Presentation materials