10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

Pseudoscalar current transition form factors of the delta in baryon chiral perturbation theory

11 Jul 2019, 15:00
ICC - Baeckeland 3 (Ghent)

ICC - Baeckeland 3


Parallel talk QCD and Hadronic Physics QCD and Hadronic Physics


Dr Yasemin Ünal (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)


We present the chiral corrections to the pseudoscalar current transition form factors of the delta in relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory up to third chiral order using the complex-mass renormalization scheme (CMS) to generate a systematic power counting. We analyze the form factors $\tilde{g}(q^2)$ and $\tilde{h}(q^2)$ which are relevant to address the $\pi \Delta \Delta$ coupling constants at $q^2=0$. Knowledge on these form factors are necessary as there is no clear available experimental data for the pseudoscalar current-delta transition form factors which makes the topic still up to date for both experimental and theoretical studies.
This study was supported by \c{C}anakkale Onsekiz Mart University Scientific Research Projects Commission under the grant no: FBA-2018-2666.}\

\textbf{Keywords:} Baryon chiral perturbation theory, CMS, delta resonance, form factors.


Dr Yasemin Ünal (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)

Presentation materials