Higgs Physics
- Sinead Farrington (University of Warwick (GB))
- Ramona Groeber (HU Berlin)
- Martin Flechl (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Higgs Physics
- Sinead Farrington (University of Warwick (GB))
- Ramona Groeber (HU Berlin)
- Martin Flechl (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Higgs Physics
- Martin Flechl (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
- Sinead Farrington (University of Warwick (GB))
- Ramona Groeber (HU Berlin)
This presentation will cover the most recent results on Higgs boson measurements using decays into leptons from the CMS experiment at the LHC.
Testing the couplings of the Higgs boson to leptons is important to understand the origin of lepton masses. This talk presents measurements of Higgs boson production in Higgs boson decays to two tau leptons based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV, as well as studies of the CP-nature of the HVV coupling in Hโtautau decays.
We propose that natural TeV-scale new physics (NP) with $O(1)$ couplings to the standard model (SM) quarks may lead to a universal enhancement of the Yukawa couplings of all the light quarks, perhaps to a size comparable to that of the SM b-quark Yukawa coupling, i.e., $y_q \sim O(y^{SM}_b$) for $q=u,d,c,s$. I will discuss this scenario in an effective field theory (EFT) extension of the SM,...
One of the puzzles of the SM is the large hierarchy between the Yukawa couplings of different flavours. Yukawa couplings of the first and the second generation are constrained only very weakly so far. However, one can obtain large deviations in the Yukawa couplings in several New Physics (NP) models, such as e.g new vector-like quarks, or new Higgs bosons that couple naturally to individual...
Testing the couplings of the Higgs boson to quarks is important to understand the origin of quark masses. The talk presents simplified template cross section measurements for Higgs boson production in association with a vector boson using decays to two b quarks using pp collision data collected at 13 TeV, along with an interpretation in an effective field theory framework. A search for...
This presentation will cover the most recent results on Higgs boson measurements using decays into quarks from the CMS experiment at the LHC
Muon reconstruction and identification play a fundamental role in many analyses of central importance in the LHC run-2 Physics pro- gramme. The algorithms and the criteria used in ATLAS for the recon- struction and identification of muons with transverse momenta ranging from a few GeV to the TeV scale will be presented. Their performance is measured in data based on the decays of Z, ฮฅ, and J/ฯ...
The Higgs boson decay to two W bosons has the largest branching fraction and can be used to perform some of the most precise measurements of the Higgs boson production cross sections. Cross section measurements for Higgs boson production via gluon fusion, vector-boson fusion, and production in association with a vector boson based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV will be presented.
Latest CMS results on Higgs boson property measurements in final states with photons, W and Z bosons will be presented.
Higgs boson decays to two photons can be selected with high efficiency, and the very good invariant mass resolution allow a robust subtraction of the backgrounds. This talk will present measurements of differential cross sections, as well as cross section measurements for the different Higgs boson production processes in the simplified template cross section framework using pp collision data...
Higgs boson decays to four leptons can be selected with a very high purity and are very well suited for measurements of Higgs boson properties, despite the small HโZZโ4l branching ratio. This talk will present measurements of differential cross sections, as well as cross section measurements for the different Higgs boson production processes in the simplified template cross section framework...
With Higgs couplings measurement prospects reaching the per-mille level at future lepton colliders, their interplay with the electroweak sector is expected to become relevant. We perform the first comprehensive Standard Model Effective Field Theory analysis covering jointly the Higgs and electroweak sectors. It allows us to investigate the impact of electroweak parameter uncertainties in Higgs...
The future circular collider (FCC) study released a conceptual design report (CDR) in January 2019. The CDR highlights the potential for precision measurements and searches for new phenomena in the Higgs sector are among the most important goals in particle physics. Electron-positron collisions up to an energy of 365 GeV (FCC-ee) provide the ultimate precision with studies of Higgs boson...
Most recent CMS results on Higgs boson production in association with top quarks will be presented.
The measurement of Higgs boson production in association with a ttbar pair is essential to understand the top-quark couplings to the Higgs boson. This talk presents the analyses using Higgs boson decays to bbbar pairs, to two Z bosons, to other multi-lepton final states, and to a pair of photons, using pp collision data collected at 13 TeV.
We revisit an old proposal where a pseudoscalar $A^0$ has mass between
$t\bar c$ and $t\bar t$ thresholds, but possess extra Yukawa couplings
by absence of $Z_2$ symmetry. With $\rho_{tt}$ small, it evades
$gg \to A^0 \to h^0(125)Z$ constraints, where approximate alignment
also helps. We find this scenario with relatively light $A^0$ is
not yet ruled out, and $cg \to tA^0 \to tt\bar...
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity of up to 3000 fb-1. The very high instantaneous luminosity will lead to about 200 proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing (โpileupโ) superimposed to each event of interest, therefore providing extremely challenging experimental conditions. CMS prospects on Higgs self-coupling measurements and...
The most recent results from searches for non-resonant production of Higgs boson pairs at CMS will be presented.
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a mature option for a future electron-positron collider operating at centre-of-mass energies of up to 3 TeV. CLIC will be built and operated in a staged approach with three centre-of-mass energy stages currently assumed to be 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV, and 3 TeV. The Higgs self-coupling is of particular interest: for determining the shape of the Higgs potential,...
The latest results on production of Higgs boson pairs at 13 TeV by the ATLAS experiment are reported, including a combination of six different decay modes. Results include bbtautau, bbbb, bbgamgam, bbWW, WWWW and WWgamgam final states, and they are interpreted both in terms of sensitivity to the SM and as limits on kappa_lambda, a scaling of the triple-Higgs interaction strength. Future...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been successfully delivering proton-proton collision data at the unprecedented center of mass energy of 13 TeV. An upgrade is planned to increase the instantaneous luminosity delivered by LHC in what is called HL-LHC, aiming to deliver a total of about 3000/fb of data to the ATLAS detector at a center of mass energy of 14 TeV. To cope with the expected...
This talk will present the most recent results on CMS searches for Higgs boson rare and exotic decays.
The Standard Model predicts several rare Higgs boson decay channels, which have not yet been observed, but that could enhanced in theories beyond the Standard Model. Among these are decays to second-generation leptons and quarks, Hโmumu and Hโcc, as well as decays to a Z boson and a photon, H->Zgamma. In addition, theories beyond the Standard Model may predict lepton-flavor violating decays of...
The precision study of the 125 GeV Higgs boson offers a new window in to the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. To confront the predictions of models with new interactions, it is important that the experimental program be designed to achieve 1% precision over the full spectrum of Higgs boson couplings, with minimal model-dependence in the analysis and with tight control of...
To unravel the nature of dark matter is one of the most important goals in particle physics today. The Higgs field may well be the portal that couples to a whole new dark sector in which the dark matter candidate particle is accommodated. Searches for invisible decays of the Higgs boson, which may originate from the Higgs boson decaying to dark matter directly or via some mediator, would give...
Off-shell Higgs at the high mass tail may shed light on the underlying mechanism of the electroweak symmetry breaking. In the Standard Model, there is an exact cancellation of the logarithmic divergence between the box and Higgs-mediated triangle diagrams due to unitarity, such that the gg to ZZ(WW) process in the SM is dominated by the vector boson transverse-mode. The cancellation can be...
We consider a Composite Higgs Model with two isospin doublet Higgs fields arising as pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons from a SO(6)->SO(4)xSO(2) breaking. The main focus is to explicitly compute the properties of these Higgses in terms of the fundamental parameters of the composite sector such as masses, Yukawa and gauge couplings of the new spin-1 and spin-1/2 resonances. Concretely, we calculate...
This presentation will summarize the status and latest results of the searches for neutral Higgs bosons at CMS.
This presentation will summarize the status and latest results of the searches for charged Higgs bosons at CMS.
Several theories beyond the Standard Model predict the existence of new heavy particles decaying into pairs of gauge bosons. The latest ATLAS results on searches for such resonances in final states with leptons and photons based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV will be presented.
A general two Higgs doublet model is employed to study flavor changing
neutral Higgs (FCNH) interactions in pp collisions.
We investigate the discovery potential of
(a) a flavor changing neutral Higgs boson decays into leptons,
$pp \to \phi^0 \to \tau^\mp\mu^\pm +X$ from gluon fusion, and
(b) production of a flavor changing neutral Higgs boson associated with a top quark $pp \to t...
The most precise measurements of Higgs boson cross sections, using the framework of simplified template cross sections, are obtained from a combination of measurements performed in the different Higgs boson decay channels. This talk presents the combined measurements, as well as their interpretations in terms of Higgs coupling modifiers and their ratios, also taking into account results of...
Most recent CMS measurements on Higgs boson differential distributions will be presented, together with the latest results on Higgs boson couplings from the combination of multiple channels.
The Large Hadron-electron Collider (LHeC) is a proposed upgrade of the LHC at CERN. It consists of an ERL providing electrons to collide with the HL-LHC, HE-LHC and the FCC-hh proton beams achieving centre-of-mass energies 1.3-3.5 TeV and luminosities $\sim 10^{34}$ cm$^{โ2}$ s$^{-1}$, respectively. These large energies and luminosities lead to charged current Higgs production cross sections...
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity of up to 3000 fb-1. The very high instantaneous luminosity will lead to about 200 proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing (โpileupโ) superimposed to each event of interest, therefore providing extremely challenging experimental conditions. Prospects for measurements of the properties of the...
The physics program at the FCC-ee offers unparalleled opportunities for precision measurements of the properties of the Z, W and Higgs bosons and the top quark.
Deformations of these properties with respect to the SM predictions would provide indirect evidence of the presence of new physics modifying the electroweak sector. These indirect tests of new physics can be conveniently performed in...