Results from the study of HFS detectors from RMD will be presented. Some of these sensors have been subjected to neutron irradiation at the Jožef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia). The fluences to which these were exposed are 3E13, 6E13, 3E14 and 1E15 n/cm^2. TCT and CV/IV measurements were performed on irradiated and unirradiated samples. The results obtained from these studies will be...
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), thanks to their excellent performance, are becoming the photodetectors of choice for many applications.
One major limitation, in particular for their use at high-luminosity colliders, is the radiation damage by hadrons.
In this work, SiPMs with 4384 pixels of $15 \times 15$ $\mu$m$^2$ size produced by KETEK have been irradiated by reactor neutrons to six...
For Ultra-fast Silicon Detectors, we are using thin Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes.
We report results from a series of measurements, including electrical characterization, charge collection and time resolution in beam tests.
The most important results from the lates LGAD runs at
CNM and FBK will be presented.
Last developments on LGAD fabrication, as well as future plans, will be presented.
We report on the status of the Ultra fast silicon Detector (USFD). UFSD are
silicon detectors based on the Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGAD); they LGAD
have internal moderate gain (~10 order of magnitude), they exhibit
fast and large signal and the signal is about 10 larger than the standard
silicon detector. Thanks to their properties they are good candidates
for time applications.
The Ultra Fast Silicon Detectors (UFSD) are a novel concept of silicon detectors based on the Low Gain Avalanche Diode (LGAD) technology, which are able to obtain time resolution of the order of few tens of picoseconds. First prototypes with different geometries (pads/pixels/strips), thickness ($300$ and $50 \mu m$) and gain (between $5$ and $20$) have been recently designed and manufactured...
Results from the the test beam (at CERN's SPS) and TCT characterization of the first i-LGAD and Strip LGAD sensors will be presented.
50 um LGADs from the recent CNM production were studied before and after irradiation with neutrons in Ljubljana to 3e14 and 1e15 neq/cm2. The gain was measured with TCT and Sr90 beta particles. The time resolution was measured with 120 GeV pions in two beam tests at CERN SPS in June/July and September 2016.