FCC-ee MDI workshop

37/R-022 - 37/R-022 (CERN)

37/R-022 - 37/R-022


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This mini-workshop for the Machine Detector Interface design of the FCC-ee collider aims at revisiting/validating several open issues with worldwide experts. The main topics have to be discussed before freezing the baseline MDI layout, such as the various beam-pipe dimensions, choice of l*, final magnet parameters, space and location of luminosity monitors. After this mini-workshop has made, or confirmed, the basic choices for the layout, a fully coherent study of all related systems and hardware will be performed in time for the CDR report. Further optimization work beyond the baseline should then take place either at an appropriate level in parallel to the baseline development, or in a second full iteration later on. Overlapping in time with the FCC-ee MDI mini-workshop, the 1st FCC Physics Workshop will take place, in the week 16-20 January. Its agenda is available at the following link: https://indico.cern.ch/event/550509/ The MDI mini-workshop is organized with some presentations to open the discussion on the various inter-connected topics. Main topics to be addressed: โ€ข l* choice โ€ข Incoming/outgoing layout โ€ข Trapped mode analysis with symmetric vs asymmetric final focus quads โ€ข Beam pipe apertures, material, thickness and masking โ€ข IR quadrupoles design โ€ข Detector Luminosity Calorimeter โ€ข Integration of magnetic system and overall IR layout As one outcome from the FCC-ee design review in October 2016, the chosen baseline optics consists of a separated function arc lattice and the asymmetric IR optics designed by Katsunobu Oide. We would like to compose a short document summarizing the mini-workshop discussions. The following talks at the 1st FCC Physics Workshop could be of interest: 09.10-09.40 Status of the FCC Project (M. Benedikt) 09.40-10.10 FCC accelerator parameters (F. Zimmermann)