To improve the thermal model of high power Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) targets at TRIUMF, an optical technique is being developed which allows for direct off-line and on-line temperature measurements of targets for radioactive isotope production. In this set-up the light coming from a hot target through the ionizer opening is collected via a set of optics in a spectrometer. Thus, from the emission spectrum and Stefan-Boltzmann distribution the target temperature is deduced. In off-line tests, tantalum targets were heated up to vacuum pressure limited temperature (2700K) - corresponding to minimum black body radiation peaks at wavelengths down to 1.07 μm. These preliminary temperature measurements confirm the correlation between the spectrum of the radiation emitted from the target and the currents used to resistively heat the targets. The final goal is to apply this technique to on-line targets and correlate the isotope releases with the target temperatures - for a better understanding of the diffusion and effusion processes happening in the target and for optimizing the delivery of short-lived species.