16–21 Sept 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone


As is traditional for the EMIS conference, the refereed Proceedings will be published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods.

All contributions describing work presented at the meeting including posters are eligible for inclusion in the Proceedings that will be peer-reviewed.

Registered EMIS-2018 participants will receive a printed copy of the proceedings. The maximum lengths of the written contributions are: 3 printed pages for posters, 5 printed pages for oral contributions, and 8 printed pages for invited talks.

Submission is open for manuscripts from 15th September 2018 and will close on 15th December 2018.

Latex instructions: https://www.elsevier.com/authors/author-schemas/latex-instructions

Web link to the submission https://ees.elsevier.com/nimb_proceedings/default.asp

Once the submission portal of the special issue is open on the above webpage, the author will see the short name of the proceedings in the Article Type during the submission progress.

Detailed procedure:

  1. Register (upper part of the page). You will receive an e-mail if it is the first time you  register with NIMB.
  2. log-in
  3. Submit an article:
  • Choose article type → SI: EMIS 2018
  • Title of the paper
  • Authors:name , email, country (the one registered does not need to be added)
  • Select section/Category → SI: EMIS 2018
  • Enter abstract
  • Enter keywords
  • Comments (if any)
  • Suggest reviewers (you can suggest reviewers)
  • editor: Mark Breese