Poster Sessions
Posters must be maximum A0 portrait format (maximum 84.1 cm wide x 118.9 cm high) and should be attached to the poster boards on Monday afternoon latest, prior to the first poster session on Monday evening. All poster spaces will be clearly marked with the abstract ID number. The posters will be located near the main conference room and will be available for viewing during the entire week.
NuPECC prizes
During the closing session on Friday, there will be a prize giving ceremony. A prize will be awarded to the best young speaker (not having obtained the PhD) and to the 4 best posters presented during the two sessions. Each prize will be a 350 CHF voucher accompanied by a certificate. NuPECC sponsors the competition and prizes.
Prize for the Best Young Speaker:
Agota Koszorus - KU Leuven, Belgium
Prizes for the Best Posters:
Yusuhiro Togano - Rikkyo University, Japan
Stefan Schwarz - NSCL/MSU, USA
Dominik Studer - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Stuart Warren - CERN, Switzerland