Session 2- Target and Ion Source Techniques
- Thierry Stora (CERN)
Accelerator facility for rare isotope beam production requests high power primary ion beam which actually very much depends on performance of the front-end ion source. Superconducting ECR ion source with higher magnetic fields and higher microwave frequency is the most straight forward path to achieve high beam intensity and high charge state in the past years. SECRAL is a...
ISAC-TRIUMF is the only ISOL facility worldwide that is routinely operating targets under particle irradiation in the high-power regime in excess of 10 kW. TRIUMF’s current flagship project ARIEL, Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory, will add two new target stations providing isotopes to the existing experimental stations in ISAC I and ISAC II at keV and MeV energies, respectively. In addition to...
In the facilities for the production of radioactive ion beams based on the isotope separation on line (ISOL) technique, the target ion source (TIS) system is surely the most critical object. In the specific case of the selective production of exotic species (SPES) facility, a multifoil uranium carbide target is impinged by a 40 MeV, 200 µA proton beam produced by a cyclotron proton driver....
The Isolde facility was established in 1967 and since then has been rebuilt three times, in 1976, 1983 and in 1992. The fourth and current incarnation is 26 years old, and there is now a strong case for another major upgrade to address increasing demands on the targets, the isotope separators, and the experimental hall.
The existing target areas are well designed and have already been...
SPIRAL1 (Système de Production d’Ions Radioactifs Accélérés en Ligne) facility at GANIL (Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds) is developing new techniques to access nuclei in the neutron deficient isotope region far from the stability-valley, with Z ranging from 30 to 60. The availability of different primary beams, ranging from carbon to uranium with energies up to 100...
The method of laser resonance ionization [1] today is a well-established core technique for efficient and chemically selective radioactive ion beam production at the worldwide leading ISOL facilities such as ISAC-TRIUMF or CERN-ISOLDE. In addition, these devices allow for direct in-source laser spectroscopic investigations of exotic nuclei with lowest production yields. Nevertheless, in...