XXIV Cracow EPIPHANY Conference on Advances in Heavy Flavour Physics

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Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN), 152 Radzikowskiego Street, Cracow, Poland

General Information

The Cracow Epiphany Conference has had a different topic every year. The series started in 1995. By bringing in new subjects and inviting new participants every year the meetings offer a general forum to discuss the frontiers of physics. The number of participants is about one hundred and there are up to thirty invited talks.

For more information please see the conference webpage.

    • Registration
    • Introduction
      Convener: Marek Jezabek (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 1
        Speaker: Marek Jezabek (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
    • B, D decays
      Convener: Marcin Chrzaszcz (CERN)
      • 2
        Global fit of b->sll processes, an update: A further step towards New Physics Discovery

        In this talk we update the status of the global fit including the set of all coherent deviations or anomalies observed, with particular emphasis on the recently measured observables that violate lepton flavor universality (LFU). We discuss the properties of the new LFU observables. We focus on the model independent links and implications between different types of LFU violating observables of b->s and b->c type. We also show how the dominant LFU violating scenario reproduces exactly the anomaly in B->K*mumu at large-recoil dismissing all naïve arguments based on long distance charm contributions.

        Speaker: Joaquim Matias (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona)
      • 3
        Overview of Heavy Flavor results at LHCb
        Speaker: Rafael Silva Coutinho (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
    • Coffee
    • B, D decays
      Convener: Tadeusz Lesiak (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 4
        Searching for NP with b-> s tau tau processes
        Speaker: Sebastien Descotes-Genon (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique d'Orsay)
      • 5
        Recent results from Belle and Belle 2 experiments
        Speaker: Florian Urs Bernlochner (University of Bonn (DE))
      • 6
        Mini review on V_ub, V_cb @ LHCb and B-factories
        Speaker: Marcello Rotondo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
    • Lunch
    • B, D decays
      Convener: Andrzej Bozek (Krakow)
      • 7
        Recent Heavy Flavour results from CMS
        Speaker: Stefano Lacaprara (INFN sezione di Padova)
      • 8
        Long-distance effects in exclusive b->sll decays
        Speaker: Danny van Dyk (TU München)
      • 9
        Overview of ATLAS Heavy Flavor Measurements
        Speakers: Sally Seidel (University of New Mexico / ATLAS), Sally Seidel (University of New Mexico (US))
      • 10
        QED corrections to Bs-> mu mu

        In my talk, I will report on the computation of QED radiative corrections to the rare leptonic decay of strange B mesons. In the previous literature, only the QED corrections above the m_b scale have been included. I will outline an approach to compute corrections below the m_b scale using soft-collinear effective theory. It reveals an unexpected enhancement due to a "non-local annihilation" effect. Numerically, the enhanced corrections are thus far larger than previously estimated and therefore they constitute a necessary ingredient in precise theoretical prediction for the B_s -> mu^+ mu^- decay rate as shown in arXiv:1708.09152.

        Speakers: Robert Szafron (TU München), Dr Robert Szafron
    • Coffee
    • B, D decays
      Convener: Sebastian Piotr Sapeta (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 11
        Angular correlations between heavy and light jet-particles as a means to study in-medium heavy-quark energy loss
        Speaker: Martin Rohrmoser (SUBATECH/Ecole des Mines de Nantes)
      • 12
        D Dbar asymmetry at low and high energies and possibile consequence for prompt atmospheric neutrinos
        Speaker: Antoni Szczurek (Institute of Nuclear Physics)
      • 13
        Simultaneous production of D and B mesons
        Speaker: Rafal Maciula (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
    • B, D decays
      Convener: Maria Rozanska
      • 14
        The Dynamics of Beauty & Charm Hadrons (& top quarks) in the Era of LHCb & Belle II (& ATLAS/CMS). Motto: Non-perturbative QCD & Many-body Final States
        Speakers: Ikaros Bigi (University of Notre Dame), Ikaros Bigi (Univ. of Notre Dame)
      • 15
        Observables, EFT and model-building aspects of B-decay anomalies
        Speaker: Jorge Martin Camalich (CERN)
      • 16
        Three-site Pati-Salam gauge model for flavour anomalies
        Speaker: Marzia Bordone (University of Zurich)
    • Coffee
    • B, D decays
      Convener: Andrzej Buras (Technical University Munich)
      • 17
        Radiative decays of the B meson: a progress report
        Speaker: Mikolaj Krzysztof Misiak (University of Warsaw (PL))
      • 18
        Semileptonic penguin decays of the B meson
        Speaker: Tobias Hurth (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))
      • 19
        Searching New Physics with Beauty mesons
        Speaker: Rahul Sinha (NIT - National Inst. of Technology (IN))
    • Lunch
    • B, D decays
      Convener: Jolanta Brodzicka (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 20
        New Look at Hidden Charm Tetra and Pentaquark States
        Speaker: Abdur Rehman (National Centre for Physics, Islamabad)
      • 21
        Charm Physics: another Route towards New Physics
        Speaker: Alan Schwartz (University of Cincinnati)
      • 22
        Recent global fit results from the GAMBIT collaboration

        The Global And Modular BSM Inference Tool (GAMBIT) is a new, open-source tool for performing global statistical fits of generic models of BSM physics, and the GAMBIT collaboration are also actively involved in performing tests of new physics models with the tool. I will present highlights of our recent results, including (potentially) studies of weak- and GUT-scale supersymmetric models, studies of Higgs portal dark matter scenarios, and studies of axion models.

        Speaker: Martin John White (University of Adelaide (AU))
    • Coffee
    • B, D decays
      Convener: Mikolaj Krzysztof Misiak (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 23
        LFU and LFV results at LHCb
        Speaker: Luca Pescatore (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
      • 24
        Reparametrization invariance in HQET
        Speaker: Dr Keri Vos (Siegen University)
      • 25
        Belle 2 prospects for CP-violation measurements
        Speakers: Chiara La Licata (Universita e INFN, Trieste (IT)), TBA
      • 26
        Impact of LHC heavy flavour data on nuclear gluon PDF
        Speaker: Aleksander Kusina (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
    • CCB visit
    • Strange Physics
      Convener: Marek Jezabek (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 27
        The Return of Kaon Flavour Physics

        Kaon flavour physics has played in the 1960s and 1970s a very important role in the construction of the Standard Model (SM) and in the 1980s and 1990s in its tests in particular with the help of CP violation in $K_L\to\pi\pi$ decays represented by $\varepsilon_K$ and the ratio $\varepsilon^\prime/varepsilon$. In this millennium this role has been taken over by $B_{s,d}$ and $D$ mesons. However there is no doubt that in the coming years we will witness the return of kaon flavour physics with the highlights being the measurements of the theoretically clean branching ratios for rare decays $\K\to\pi\nu\bar$ and the improved theory of the ratio $\varepsilon^\prime/varepsilon$. $, of the $K^0-\bar K^0$ mixing mass difference $\Delta M_K$ and of the decays $K_L\to\mu^+\mu^-$ and $K_L\to\pi^0\ell^+\ell^-$. They all are very sensitive to new physics (NP) contributions and the correlations between them should help us to identify new dynamics at very short distance scales. But in order to distinguish between various NP scenarios and study flavour symmetries and their breakdown, correlations with $B_{s,d}^0-\bar B_{s,d}^0$ mixing observables and decays like $B_{s,d}\to \mu^+\mu^-$, $B\to K(K^)\ell^+\ell^-$, $B\to K(K^)\nu\bar\nu$ and $B\to D(D^*)\tau\nu_\tau$ will be crucial. This talk summarizes several aspects of this exciting field.

        Speaker: Andrzej Buras (Technical University Munich)
      • 28
        Review and Outlook of Kaon Physics
        Speaker: Augusto Ceccucci (CERN)
      • 29
        The quantity ε'/ ε measures direct CP violation in Kaon decays.
        Speaker: Maria Cerda Sevilla
    • Coffee
    • B, D decays
      Convener: Antoni Szczurek (Institute of Nuclear Physics)
      • 30
        Updated fits to bsll data".
        Speaker: Nazila Mahmoudi (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I (FR))
      • 31
        Combined interpretation of B-physics anomalies and model building
        Speaker: David Marzocca (INFN Trieste)
      • 32
        New physics in charged-current semileptonic decays
        Speaker: Martin Jung (TUM IAS / Excellence Cluster Universe)
    • Lunch
    • Young scientists session
      Convener: Marcin Chrzaszcz (CERN)
      • 33
        Future contributions to phi_s measurements
        Speaker: Varvara Batozskaya (National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))
      • 34
        Majorana neutrino search at LHCb experiment
        Speakers: Anna Ossowska (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)), Malgorzata Maria Pikies (Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)
      • 35
        cLFV searches at LHCb
        Speaker: Malgorzata Maria Pikies (Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)
      • 36
        Measurement of the ttγ production cross section in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Sara Ghasemi (University of Siegen (DE))
      • 37
        Hunting stops with tau leptons using the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Michael Helmut Holzbock (Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE))
      • 38
        MCMC for roofit
        Speaker: Oliver Dahme (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
    • Coffee
    • Young scientists session
      Convener: Andrzej Konrad Siodmok (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 39
        Search for the rare decay B+ --> l+ nu gamma at Belle and Belle I
        Speaker: Moritz Gelb (KIT)
      • 40
        Theoretical predictions and fits in hadronic tau decays.
        Speaker: Jakub Zaremba
      • 41
        Top quark differential cross-section measurement with the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Matteo Scornajenghi (Universita della Calabria (IT))
      • 42
        Analysis of multibody beauty to open-charm decays at LHCb
        Speaker: Wojciech Krupa (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
      • 43
        CEP measurements at LHCb
        Speaker: Mateusz Jacek Goncerz (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
    • Conference dinner
    • Neutrino physics
    • Coffee
    • g-2
      • 47
        Muon g-2, Current experimental status and future prospects
        Speaker: Alberto Lusiani (Scuola Normale Superiore e INFN di Pisa)
      • 48
        The muon g-2 in progress
        Speaker: Fred Jegerlehner (Unknown)
    • Lunch
    • Future of Particle physics
      • 49
        SHIP experiment
        Speaker: Nicola Serra (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
      • 50
        Flavor physics at the FCC-ee
        Speaker: Tadeusz Lesiak (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 51
        Muon collider: LEMMA proposal
        Speakers: Fabio Anulli (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)), TBA
      • 52
        Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory: new research perspectives in astroparticle physics
        Speaker: Dr Dhital Niraj (IFJ PAN)
    • Summary