Sep 24 – 28, 2018
Vondelkerk, Amsterdam
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

This is the fifteenth workshop of TAU series on physics of the tau lepton, it’s neutrino, and related processes. The goal of the workshop is to get theorists and experimentalists together to discuss recent progress in the field. New results from high energy machines (e.g LHC experiments: ATLAS, CMS, LHCb), low energy machines (BES-III and other) and B-factories (including Belle-2) will be presented as well as recent results from g-2 and neutrino oscillation experiments. The program also includes related subjects such as hadron cross section measurement at e+e- colliders, lepton universality puzzles in meson decays, searches for Lepton Flavour Violation in τ and μ decays and review talks on the future experiments.


Format of the conference:

The program will consist of plenary talks only. Tentative schedule is from Monday lunch time till Friday lunch time. Additionally, there will be a poster session on Monday evening with posters remaining in main room for the full duration of the conference.



The conference will take place in Vondelkerk, in the center of Amsterdam


Conference fee:
The conference fee includes coffee breaks,  the welcome reception, the dinner and the social program. The fee is 225€. The online version of proceedings will be free of charge, and the printed version is 25€.  Accompanying persons are cordially invited to join the conference dinner (60€).



We are please to announce that the proceedings for Tau2018 are now available at SciPost.



Vondelkerk, Amsterdam
Vondelstraat 120, 1054 GS Amsterdam, The Netherlands