Feb 14 – 22, 2018
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone


The school will take place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Vienna University of Technology.


Vienna University of Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Gusshausstraße 27-29
A-1040 Vienna

See the Google Maps for the exact location.


Enter the building through the main entrance (glass door) and go up the stairs (or with the elevator) to the 3rd floor (ground floor counts as zero). There you will find the lecture hall HS11 and seminar rooms SR122 and SR127, in which the labs will be held. Coffee break, lunch and welcome reception will take place in the "Kontaktraum" on the 6th floor.

Floor Plan


We have reserved the following rooms for ISOTDAQ:

  • HS11 (seating capacity: 94), 3rd floor - lecture
  • SR122 (82 m2), 3rd floor - labs
  • SR127 (82 m2), 3rd floor - labs
  • "Kontaktraum" (176 m2), 6th floor - coffee breaks, welcome reception

Internet Access

We will provide personalized WLAN access for all participants. Eduroam is also available.