14–22 Feb 2018
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone


Accommodation for students and lecturers is at the Kolpinghaus Wien-Zentral. It is located at the address

    Gumpendorfer Straße 39
    1060 Vienna

The nearest underground stop is U4 Kettenbrückengasse, from where it is just 250m away.


The hotel features:

  • All rooms have a bathroom with shower and toilet, satellite TV and a safety deposit box
  • Bedding and towels are supplied
  • Wireless internet is available throughout the building

Accommodation for students is in double rooms. Students who want to upgrade to a single room will have to pay for the upgrade themselves.

The school's tuition fee includes the accommodation from the night before the start (Tue 13th) until the day it ends (Thu 22nd). Any deviation from that scheme must be communicated directly to the hotel using this email address: reservierung@kolping-wien-zentral.at. Every extra night will be at the expense of the students. Please note that availability in the same hotel outside the school's period is not guaranteed.

The hotel is well within walking distance (1.2km, 15 minutes) of the venue, passing a famous market ("Naschmarkt") area on the way.