16–20 Apr 2018
Kobe University Convention Centre / Kobe International Conference Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Multiboson production at CMS

17 Apr 2018, 10:25
503 (Kobe International Convention Centre)


Kobe International Convention Centre

WG4: Hadronic and Electroweak Observables WG4: Hadronic and Electroweak Observables


Andrew Michael Levin (Peking University (CN))


The production of massive vector boson pairs is a key process for the understanding of the non-abelian gauge structure of the standard model and for the comprehension of the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism. In this presentation, we will report the most recent inclusive and differential measurements of multiboson production with data collected by the CMS. The recent study of the production of vector boson pairs with the presence of two jets in the event will be presented as well. It allows to measure the electroweak production of vector bosons in association with jets, in particular made up through vector boson scattering (VBS) processes.

Primary author

Andrew Michael Levin (Peking University (CN))


Presentation materials