We report on a detector concept, TOPSiDE, being developed for the EIC
Electron-Ion Collider. TOPSiDE aims a the detection and identification
of all particles created in electron-proton/ion collisions at the EIC
while achieving the best possible momentum/energy resolution. The
measurement of hadronic jets exploits the advantages offered by Particle
Flow Algorithms (PFAs), which in turn require imaging calorimetry. Particle
identification is achieved through time-of-flight measurements in the tracker
and the electromagnetic calorimeter, necessitating the application of
ultra-fast silicon sensors. In the forward (hadron) direction the particles
are identified with a Cerenkov detector covering forward angles up to 10
degrees and a dipole or toroidal magnet for momentum measurement. The talk
presents the detector concept, the status of its simulation software, first
studies performed with a completed simulation tool chain, and the status
of the detector R&D related to the novel and challenging aspects of the
concept detector.