Measurements of single top-quark production in proton-proton collisions are presented based on the 8 TeV and 13 TeV ATLAS datasets. In the leading order process, a W boson is exchanged in the t-channel. The cross-section for the production of single top-quarks and single anti-top-quarks, their ratio, as well as differential cross-section measurements are also reported. These analyses include...
A comprehensive set of measurements of top quark pair and single top quark production in association with EWK bosons (W, Z or ɣ) is presented. The results are compared to theory predictions and re-interpreted as searches for new physics inducing deviations from the standard model predictions using an effective field theory approach. The status of the search for four top quark production, to...
The large centre-of-mass energy available at the proton-proton collider LHC allows for the copious production of top quark pairs in association with other final state particles at high transverse momenta. The ATLAS experiment has measured several final state observables that are sensitive to additional radiation in top anti-top quark final states. Results on the top production in association...
Precise measurements of the properties of the top quark test the Standard Model (SM) and can be used to constrain new physics models. As it may be significantly enhanced by the presence of new physics, the ttbar production charge asymmetry is measured inclusively and differentially using the 8 TeV ATLAS dataset using both the lepton+jets and dilepton channels, including a dedicated measurement...
Measurements of the inclusive and differential top-quark pair cross sections in proton-proton collisions at both 8 and 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider are presented. The inclusive measurements reach high precision and are compared to the best available theoretical calculations. Differential measurements of the kinematic properties of the top quark production are...
In this work we will present predictions for top-quark pair differential distributions at the LHC13 at NNLO QCD accuracy and including EW corrections. For the latter we include not only contributions of ${\mathcal O}(\alpha_s^2 \alpha)$, but also those of order ${\mathcal O}(\alpha_s \alpha^2)$ and ${\mathcal O}( \alpha^3)$. We will discuss the difference between the additive and...
Differential measurements of top quark pair and single top quark (t-channel) production cross sections are presented using data collected by CMS at different centre-of-mass energies. The cross sections are measured as a function of various kinematic observables of the top quarks and the jets and leptons of the event final state. The ttbar measurements are extended to the TeV range using jet...
We present an upgrade of the venerable FONLL code to handle top quark production. Predictions for large transverse momentum distributions at NLO+NLL accuracy are presented. Comparisons to recent experimental data, and to NNLO fixed order predictions and to SCET resummations, as well as to Monte Carlos matched to NLO predictions, are performed. Phenomenological relevance of the large transverse...
In this talk we introduce a newly developed scheme based on an extension of the 5F flavour scheme, which treats $b$ quarks as massless partons, to include full heavy quark mass dependency. We name this extension five-flavour massive scheme. We implement this scheme at MC@NLO accuracy in Sherpa. We present some results, obtained in this scheme, for $b$ quarks produced in association with a...
A detailed mapping of the dominant kinematical domains contributing to the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux at high neutrino energies is presented by studying their sensitivity to the cuts on several kinematical variables crucial for charm production in cosmic ray scattering in the atmosphere. This includes the maximal center-of-mass energy for proton-proton scattering, the longitudinal...
We report on recent studies of quarkonium decays obtained with the data collected by the BaBar experiment at the PEP-II $e^+e^-$ collider.
In particular, we use the entire BaBar dataset to study the reaction $e^+ e^- \to \gamma_{ISR} J/\psi$, with $J/\psi \to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0$, $J/\psi \to K^+ K^- \pi^0$, or $J/\psi \to K_S K^\pm \pi^\mp$, and the photon $\gamma_{ISR}$ produced via...
The production process of quarkonia in proton-proton (pp) collision is a very good probe of the parton structure of the proton.
Recent experimental data of the production of $J/\psi$+vector boson or quarkonium pairs at the LHC and Tevatron suggest the relevance of double parton scattering (DPS).
In this talk, we will discuss the single parton scattering (SPS) contribution of the $J/\psi+Z$,...
The largest data sample accumulated by the Belle experiment at KEKB asymmetric energy e+e- collider provides an opportunity to perform studies of charmed hadrons. In this presentation, we report on the studies of the decay modes of Lambda_c, Omega_c and spectroscopy of excited Omega_c and Xi_c. The studies presented here use the full data accumulated by the Belle experiment.
Quarkonium production at LHC energies proceeds mainly via gluon fusion on relatively short timescales. The measurement of quarkonium cross sections and kinematical distributions in pp collisions allows one to test available production models. The measurement of such observables in p-Pb collisions provides access to the nuclear modifications of parton distribution functions and to other...
The largest data sample accumulated by the Belle experiment at KEKB asymmetric energy e+e- collider provides an opportunity to perform studies of bottomonia. We report on the study of bottomonium production in association with an eta meson in e+ e- annihilations near Y(5S), and the measurement of e+ e^ → chi_bJ phi, chi_bJ omega near Y(6S). We also present the measurement of the decays Y(4S) →...
The charmonium spectroscopy is studied from lattice QCD. An extensive set of excited states as well as the states with exotic quantum numbers are obtained. In this talk, I present and discuss the results in light of experimental observations. In particular, I will discuss the lightest hybrid meson supermultiplet that is identified in our results. Additionally, I will present a preliminary...
The Belle II experiment, about to start taking data at the KEK laboratory in Japan, is a substantial upgrade of both the Belle detector and the KEKB accelerator.
It aims to collect 50 times more data than existing B-Factory samples beginning in early April 2018.
Belle II is uniquely capable to study the so-called "XYZ" particles: heavy exotic hadrons consisting of more than three quarks....
Measurements of heavy-flavour production are a powerful tool to study the properties of the strongly-interacting partonic medium created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The measurements in pp collisions serve as a precision test of perturbative QCD apart from providing the crucial reference for Pb-Pb collisions. Measurements in p-Pb collisions are used to investigate cold nuclear...
Thanks to an improved comover interaction model, we show that we can reach a global and coherent de- scription of bottomonium suppression in both proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions as measured by the CMS and ATLAS collaboration at the LHC. The measured relative suppression of the excited bottomonium states as compared to their ground state in proton-nucleus collisions allows us to...
The LHCb experiment is designed to study heavy hadrons produced in proton-proton collisions at the LHC.
Charmed and charmonium hadrons produced in the pp-collision or in b-hadron decays are studied to identify new states, confirming or disproving those recently claimed, and establishing their quantum numbers. The spectroscopy of heavy baryons is also explored with observations of doubly...
Heavy quark spectroscopy and exotic states are studied with the ATLAS detector, mainly thorough final states containing muon pairs from J/psi decays. The latest results on searches for exotic (tetra- / penta-quark) states in ATLAS are presented.
Measurements of top quark properties using data collected by the CMS experiment at 13 TeV are presented. The top quark mass is measured in the lepton+jets channel is consistent with the CMS measurements of Run-1. The top quark mass is also studied as a function of the event kinematical properties. For the first time at the LHC, the width of the top quark is directly probed during Run-2, in...
The latest measurements of the top quark mass using the ATLAS experiment are presented. A measurement based on a multi-dimensional template fit that can constrain the uncertainties on the energy measurements of jets is presented and combined with measurements using dilepton and all-hadronic events. In addition an analysis of the top quark mass using leptonic kinematic variables is discussed....
We study the theoretical uncertainties in the determination of the top-quark mass using next-to-leading-order (NLO) generators interfaced to parton showers (PS) that have different levels of accuracy. Specifically we consider three generators: one that implements NLO corrections in the production dynamics, one that includes also NLO corrections in top decay in the narrow width approximation,...
Latest results on inclusive top quark pair and single top quark production cross sections are presented using proton-proton collision data collected by CMS at different centre-of-mass energies, including 5 TeV. The single top quark analyses investigate separately the production of top quarks via t-channel exchange, in association with a W boson (tW) or via the s-channel. Final states with at...
We present the first study of the color-singlet (CS) $J/\psi$ leptoproduction at QCD next-to-leading order (NLO). This process is extremely difficult. The CS $J/\psi$ hadroproduction at NLO was studied in 2007, ten years has passed since then, the study of the $J/\psi$ leptoproduction at NLO was missing until we finished this work in May, 2017. This talk will present our results, and discuss...
A study of the latest color-reconnection models in QCD is performed with CMS data. The so called MPI-based, QCD-inspired and gluon-move models are studied within Pythia8, and the tuning parameters for the color reconnection and multiple parton interactions are extracted simultaneously from data. The different tunes are compared with top quark distributions.