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Preparing for Dark Matter Particle Discovery

Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers University of Technology

Kollektorn lecture hall, Kemivägen 9, SE- 412 58 Göteborg, Sweden
Catena Riccardo (Chalmers University of Technology), Conrad Jan (Stockholm University ), Ferretti Gabriele (Chalmers University of Technology ), Forssen Christian (Chalmers University of Technology), Nilsson Thomas (Chalmers University of Technology)

Increasingly accurate astronomical and cosmological observations reveal that most of the matter in the Universe is non luminous, and made of an unknown substance called dark matter (DM). The nature of DM remains a mystery, but indirect evidence points towards a new hypothetical particle as the prime candidate. Although the DM particle has so far escaped detection, a new generation of experiments is or will soon start operating, reaching the sensitivity required by the state-of-the-art theories to discover the first non-gravitational signals of DM.

The aim of this conference is to deliver optimised strategies for DM particle identification. This aim will be pursued by bringing together theoretical and experimental physicists in order to direct efforts jointly and wisely.

Topics to be covered in the conference include:

  • Status report on the experimental search for DM.
  • DM phenomenology. 
  • DM theory.
  • Complementarity of different DM detection strategies and global statistical analyses. 
  • Astrophysical and nuclear physics inputs.
Registration Form
  • Alejandro Ibarra
  • Anastasia Danopoulou
  • Andreas Ekström
  • Andrew Cheek
  • Ankit Beniwal
  • Anne Green
  • Anton Bäckström
  • Antonio Masiero
  • Bart Pelssers
  • Belina von Krosigk
  • Björn Jonson
  • Boris Bauermeister
  • Carl Niblaeus
  • Catena Riccardo
  • Chris Kouvaris
  • Christian Forssén
  • Daniel Gazda
  • Fredrik Hellström
  • Gabriele Ferretti
  • Gabrijela Zaharijas
  • Göran Nyman
  • Ibles Olcina
  • Jan Conrad
  • Janina Renk
  • Joakim Edsjö
  • Jonathan Tan
  • Jure Zupan
  • Kåre Fridell
  • Laura Covi
  • Leonid Kuzmin
  • Luca Visinelli
  • Marco Selvi
  • Martin Krauss
  • Martin Winkler
  • Mihael Petac
  • Niklas Moszczynski
  • Paolo Gondolo
  • Pat Scott
  • Philipp Klos
  • Riccatdo Catena
  • Ruth Pottgen
  • Sean Miller
  • Thomas Edwards
  • Tor Djärv
  • Ulf Gran
  • Vanessa Zema
  • Vasile Cristian Antochi
  • Wouter Vlemmings