Breakdown and Experiments
- Jiaru Shi (Tsinghua University)
Lecture Hall
It has long been assumed that breakdown (BD) in vacuum cavities is initiated by field emission from localized surface irregularities causing localized field enhancement. However, the nature of these localized field enhancement region is unknown as of today, and remains as a missing part on the microscopic description of the BD process. This limits the ability to predict breakdown properties of...
The Argonne Cathode Test-stand (ACT) is a unique testbed to develop cathodes and to conduct fundamental surface study under ultra-high rf field (up to 700 MV/m with pin-shaped cathodes). The test-stand consists of an L-band 1.3 GHz single-cell photocathode rf gun and a field emission (FE) imaging system to locate emitters with a resolution of ~20 um. In the recent upgrade, UV laser has been...
The dynamics of dislocation activity under intense electric fields has been proposed as a potential cause of breakdowns. In this talk, results of searches for high-frequency fluctuations in field-emitted current that could arise as a consequence of these dynamics are presented for high-gradient RF accelerating structures at CERN. Measurements of spatial profiles of field emission in RF...