Jun 3 – 9, 2018
MEDILS in Split, Croatia
Europe/Zagreb timezone
Jun 5, 2018, 4:00 PM


At the GSI facility, the LSA [1] framework is used to implement a new control system for accelerators and beam transfers.
This was already completed and tested for the SIS18 accelerator. The implementation at CRYRING and ESR is currently being finalized. In addition, controls of the fragment separator FRS [2] and later also the superconducting fragment separator Super-FRS at FAIR will be provided by this framework. For the implementation at the FRS the
interaction of the beam with matter in the beamline and the beam’s associated energy loss must be taken into account. This energy loss is determined using input from ATIMA [3] and has been included into the code of the LSA framework. The implemented setting generator was simulated and benchmarked by comparison to results of earlier measurements. Furthermore recent developments included the modelling of slits and of the propagation of charge states through matter.

[1] M. Lamont et al., LHC Project Note 368
[2] H. Geissel et al., NIM B 70, 286 (1992)
[3] H. Weick et al., NIM B 164/165 168(2000)

Supported in part by BMBF through grant 05P15RDFN1


Jan-Paul Hucka (Technische Universität Darmstadt)

Presentation materials