8:00 AM
(until 8:45 AM)
8:45 AM
Session 1
Feng Liu
(Central China Normal University)
(until 10:30 AM)
8:45 AM
Peter Senger
9:00 AM
Status of CBM Experiment at FAIR
Norbert Herrmann
(Univ. Heidelberg)
9:30 AM
HADES Physics Program at FAIR
Joachim Stroth
(Goethe-University and GSI)
10:00 AM
A Fixed-Target Experiment at CSR: CEE
Zhigang XIAO
(Tsinghua University, Department of Physics)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
Session 2
Feng Liu
(Central China Normal University)
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
Exploring the QCD Phase Diagram with Fluctuation Observables
Volodymyr Vovchenko
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
11:30 AM
Higher Moments – Search for the QCD CP
Xiaofeng Luo
(Central China Normal University)
12:00 PM
Light Nuclei Productions in RHIC BES-I
Ning Yu
(Xinyang Normal University)
9:00 AM
Session 5
Sheng-Qin Feng
(China Three Gorges University)
(until 10:30 AM)
9:00 AM
Neutron Star Mergers and the High-density Equation of State
Andreas Bauswein
(Heidelberg Inst. for Theory Studies)
9:45 AM
Neutron Star Phenomenology from QCD Perspectives
Toru Kojo
(Central China Normal University)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
Session 6
Sheng-Qin Feng
(China Three Gorges University)
(until 12:00 PM)
11:00 AM
The High-density Equation of State from Laboratory Experiments
Peter Senger
11:30 AM
Dense Matter EOS and Neutron Star Structure
Ang Li
(Xiamen University)
9:00 AM
Session 9
Nu Xu
(until 10:00 AM)
9:00 AM
proton-Omega Correlations at STAR
Jinhui Chen
9:30 AM
Hypernuclei production in Ni+Ni collisions at 1.91 A GeV
Yapeng Zhang
10:00 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:30 AM
Session 10
(until 12:00 PM)
10:30 AM
Yongjie Sun
(University of Science and Technology of China (CN))
11:00 AM
Status of Readout Electronics
Dong Wang
(Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
11:30 AM
Closing Remarks
Peter Senger
2:00 PM
973-Project Session
(until 5:30 PM)
2:00 PM
Workshop Registration
(until 7:00 PM)
12:30 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM
Session 3
Joachim Stroth
(Goethe-University and GSI)
(until 3:30 PM)
2:00 PM
CBM Phyiscs Program
Volker Friese
(GSI Darmstadt)
2:30 PM
Strongly Interacting Matter under Rotation
Jinfeng Liao
(Indiana University)
3:00 PM
Chiral Symmetry Restoration versus Deconfinement in Heavy-ion Collisions at High Baryon Density
Pierre Moreau
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:00 PM
Session 4
Joachim Stroth
(Goethe-University and GSI)
(until 5:00 PM)
4:00 PM
Collectivity from RHIC BES-I
Shusu Shi
4:30 PM
STAR iTPC Upgrade and Physics Program at BES-II
Chi Yang
(Shandong University)
6:30 PM
--- Reception ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM
Session 7
Norbert Herrmann
(Univ. Heidelberg)
(until 3:30 PM)
2:00 PM
Dieletron Results from STAR BES-I
Xiaolong Chen
2:30 PM
Leptons at the CBM Experiment
Joachim Stroth
(Goethe-University and GSI)
3:00 PM
Significantly Strangeness Enhancement at CBM
Pengfei Zhuang
(Tsinghua University)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:00 PM
Session 8
Norbert Herrmann
(Univ. Heidelberg)
(until 5:30 PM)
4:00 PM
Discussions: Activities in CBM
6:00 PM
--- Workshop Dinner ---
12:00 PM
--- End of the Workshop ---
12:10 PM
--- Lunch ---