CMS Heavy flavour tagging workshop 2018
The workshop brings together high energy physicists to discuss the recent progress in the development of b and c jet identification techniques and its applications in physics analyses at CMS. The main topics of the workshop will cover the latest improvements in the simulation of heavy hadron production at the LHC, the application of deep learning techniques to the identification of displaced reconstructed objects, as well as the latest results from various physics analyses exploiting heavy flavour identification methods.
The main topics of the workshop include:
• Simulation of b hadron production and decay
• Reconstruction of tracks and vertices
• Identification algorithms for heavy flavour jets
• Performance of heavy flavour tagging in data
• Jet substructure and heavy flavour tagging in boosted topologies
• Application of heavy flavour tagging in physics analysis
• Heavy flavour tagging at future colliders
The first day of the workshop will be devoted to open discussions together with the event generator and theory experts. The workshop then proceeds with CMS internal sessions in the following days. It is the first time that such workshop is organised by CMS.
For any question, please, contact:
- Alberto Bragagnolo
- Alberto Zucchetta
- Alexander Schmidt
- Andrea Coccaro
- Andrew Chisholm
- Andrzej Novak
- Brent Yates
- Caroline Collard
- Chris Palmer
- Christopher Neu
- Daniel Bloch
- Denys Lontkovskyi
- Devdatta Majumder
- Dinko Ferencek
- Efe Yazgan
- Emil Sorensen Bols
- Franco Simonetto
- Giacomo Bruno
- Gregor Kasieczka
- Gurpreet Singh Chahal
- Heiner Tholen
- Huilin Qu
- Ivan Marchesini
- Jeremy Andrea
- Jessica Prisciandaro
- Joseph Lynn Dulemba
- Juan Pablo Fernandez Ramos
- Jyothsna Rani Komaragiri
- Kirill Skovpen
- Leonardo Giannini
- Lorenzo Sestini
- Luca Mastrolorenzo
- Luca Perrozzi
- Luca Scodellaro
- Marco Musich
- Maria Aldaya Martin
- Markus Seidel
- Marleen Goeman
- Mary Hill Hadley
- Matteo Defranchis
- Matthew Nguyen
- Matthias Saimpert
- Mauro Verzetti
- Meenakshi Narain
- Melanie Margarete Eich
- Miguel Vidal Marono
- Paolo Nason
- Petra Van Mulders
- Sebastien Wertz
- Seth Moortgat
- Stephane Brunet Cooperstein
- Steven Lowette
- Thomas Edward Latham
- Vasily Sotnikov
- Vincenzo Innocente
- Wuming Luo
- Xavier Coubez