Rencontres QGP France 2018
Dormy House (Etretat)
Dormy House
Route du Havre, 76790 Étretat
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The conference discusses recent advances in high-energy heavy-ion collisions, with emphasis on the experimental and theoretical contributions from laboratories in France.
The deadline for registration is May 15, 2018 and the conference fees are 120 €.
Alberto Baldisseri
Antonio Uras
Audrey Francisco
Batoul Diab
Brigitte Cheynis
Bruno Espagnon
Christian Kuhn
Chun-Lu Huang
Cynthia Hadjidakis
Diego Stocco
Elena G. Ferreiro
Erwann Masson
Florian Cougoulic
Florian Damas
Francois Arleo
Frédéric Fleuret
Gabriel Sophys
Gabriele Gaetano Fronze'
Gines Martinez-Garcia
Giuliano Giacalone
Guillaume Falmagne
Guillaume Taillepied
Gustavo Conesa Balbastre
Hervé Borel
Hubert Hansen
Inna Kucher
Jaime Norman
Javier Castillo Castellanos
Jean-Philippe Lansberg
Jouri Belikov
Louis Kluberg
Marie Germain
Maxime Guilbaud
Michael Andreas Winn
Nicole Bastid
Ophélie Bugnon
Pablo Guerrero Rodríguez
Pascal Dupieux
Patrice Verdier
Paul Caucal
Philippe Pillot
Pol B Gossiaux
Raphael Granier De Cassagnac
Raphael Tieulent
Sarah Porteboeuf
Serhiy Senyukov
Taklit SAMI
yves Schutz