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Vienna Central European Seminar 2018


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More pictures of the meeting are available here.



The 14th Central European Seminar on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory (VCES) on "Global and Local Symmetries" on Nov 30 and Dec 01 2018 will take place at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Nov 30) and at the TU Wien (Dec 01).

VCES will share the day of Nov 30 with the Discrete 2018 conference, an independent international meeting on discrete symmetries in particle physics. On Dec 01, VCES will cover topically complementary aspects. 

VCES is jointly organized by the Theoretical Physics Departments of the University of Vienna and TU Wien, as well as by the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and supported by the Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna, the FWF doctoral school Particles and Interactions and the EU COST Network Connecting insights in fundamental physics.

The seminar series was created 2004 and is intended to provide stimulating interactions between leading researchers and promising junior physicists. A considerable number of junior scientists participate in these meetings, and, upon application, can receive special grants (see below). We particularly invite junior participants, including advanced graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty to attend the meeting. The conference fee is 50 EUR and is to be paid in cash at the registration desk.

Friday, Nov 30 2018:  Festsaal, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna. Google Maps Link.

Saturday, Dec 01 2018: TUtheSKY, TU Wien Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna. Google Maps Link.

Confirmed Invited Speakers

Francesco Bigazzi (INFN, Florence)
Astrid Eichhorn (Heidelberg)
Cohl Furey (Cambridge)
Daniel Grumiller (TU Wien)
Karl Landsteiner (Madrid)
Axel Maas (Graz)
Guy Moore (Darmstadt)
Malcolm Perry (Cambridge)
Margarida Rebelo (Lisbon)
Ennio Salvioni (TU Munich)
Francesco Sannino (Odense)
Andreas Schaefer (Regensburg)
Dominik Schwarz (Bielefeld) 
Alfredo Urbano (SISSA)
Timm Wrase (TU Wien)

Public Lecture on Friday, 18:00 at the Austrian Academy (same venue)

Malcolm Perry (Cambridge)
Black Holes, Fundamental Physics and the Information Paradox

Junior Scientists

We invite applications from graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to submit applications for poster presentations. Successful applicants can receive financial support through ITC Conference Grants by the COST Network Connecting insights in fundamental physics and we particularly encourage applications from the networks’ member Inclusiveness Target Countries Bosnia-Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, and Slovenia.

Local Organizing Committee

Anton Rebhan (chair, TU Wien)
Josef Pradler (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Eberhard Widmann (Stefan Meyer Institute)
Brigitte de Monte (secretary, Institute of High Energy Physics)
Andrea Smith-Stachowski (secretary, DKPI)


Supported by:

Doktoratskolleg Particles and Interactions


  • Abhiram Kidambi
  • Alberto Lusiani
  • Alexander Soloviev
  • Alfredo Urbano
  • Alicia Wongel
  • Andre Hoang
  • Andreas Ipp
  • Andreas Schäfer
  • Angelika Widl
  • Anton Rebhan
  • Antonio Di Domenico
  • Astrid Eichhorn
  • Axel Maas
  • Christoph Regner
  • Christopher Lepenik
  • Cohl Furey
  • Céline Zwikel
  • Daniel Grumiller
  • Daniel Lechner
  • Daniel Spitzbart
  • David Mueller
  • Dietmar Kuhn
  • Dominik Schwarz
  • Emma Simpson Dore
  • Eniko Regos
  • Ennio Salvioni
  • Fabian Zierler
  • Francesco Bigazzi
  • Francesco Sannino
  • Frederic Brünner
  • Friedrich Schöller
  • Gerald Kelnhofer
  • Gerhard Ecker
  • Guy Moore
  • Harald Grosse
  • Hartmut Abele
  • Helmut Neufeld
  • Helmuth Hüffel
  • herbert rohringer
  • Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
  • Ines Ruffa
  • Jan Henryk Kalinowski
  • Jiri Horejsi
  • Jiří Formánek
  • Josef Leutgeb
  • Josef Pradler
  • Jui-Lin Kuo
  • Karl Landsteiner
  • Ken'ichi Saikawa
  • Malcolm Perry
  • Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo
  • Maria Catalina Espinoza Hernandez
  • Maria Schimpf
  • Marija Mađor-Božinović
  • Markus Schröfl
  • Massimiliano Procura
  • Navid K. Rad
  • Niccolò Cribiori
  • Niko Koivunen
  • Peter Carny
  • Peter Matak
  • Peter Millington
  • Peter Mészáros
  • Philipp Stanzer
  • Raphaela Wutte
  • Samuel Beznák
  • Shigenori Seki
  • Simon Plätzer
  • Timm Wrase
  • Tomas Blazek
  • Winfried Mitaroff
  • Wolfgang Lucha
  • Xiaoyong Chu
  • Zoltán Péli
  • Zsolt Lászlóffy
  • Zuzana Sinska
  • Friday 30 November
    • Plenary
      • 1
        "The lepton asymmetry of the Universe“
        Speaker: Dominik Schwarz
    • 10:30
    • Plenary
      • 3
        “Global and local symmetries from a black hole perspective"
        Speaker: Alfredo Leonardo Urbano (CERN)
      • 4
        Dark matter shifts away from direct detection
        Speaker: Ennio Salvioni (Technische Universität Muenchen (DE))
      • 5
        "Towards a more efficient algebraic model of particle physics"
        Speaker: Cohl Furey (Cambridge)
    • Plenary
      • 6
        "Implications of Symmetries in the Scalar Sector"
        Speaker: Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo (Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST))
      • 7
        Dark energy, the string landscape and the swampland
        Speaker: Timm Michael Wrase (Vienna University of Technology)
    • 15:45
    • Contributed Talks
      • 8
        Gravitational waves from cosmic domain walls

        Domain walls are sheet-like topological defects produced when a discrete symmetry is spontaneously broken in the early universe. Although the existence of stable domain walls is disfavored by cosmological considerations, it is possible to consider unstable domain walls which disappear early enough not to lead cosmological disasters. In this talk, we discuss the possibility that a significant amount of gravitational waves is produced by annihilation of such unstable domain walls in the early universe. After reviewing cosmological evolution of domain walls, we give an estimate of the expected gravitational wave signal based on the results of numerical simulations. In addition, we briefly review a number of well-motivated particle physics models that predict the formation of unstable domain walls. The detectability of predicted signals is also discussed in prospect of planned gravitational wave observatories.

        Speaker: Kenichi Saikawa (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
      • 9
        Fifth forces and discrete symmetry breaking

        Modifications of general relativity often involve coupling additional scalar fields to the Ricci curva- ture, leading to scalar-tensor theories of Brans-Dicke type. If the additional scalar fields are light, they can give rise to long-range fifth forces, which are subject to stringent constraints from local tests of gravity. In this talk, we show that fifth forces only arise for the Standard Model (SM) due to mass mixing with the Higgs field, and we emphasise the pivotal role played by discrete and continuous symmetry breaking. Quite remarkably, if one assumes that such light, non-minimally coupled scalar fields exist in nature, the non-observation of fifth forces has the potential to tell us about the structure of the SM Higgs sector and the origin of its symmetry breaking. Moreover, with these observations, we argue that certain classes of scalar-tensor theories (as studied in cos- mology and astro-particle physics) are entirely equivalent to Higgs-portal theories (as studied in high-energy physics) at the level of their dimension-four operators.

        Speaker: Peter Millington (University of Nottingham)
      • 10
        An Inert Scalar In The S3 Symmetric Model

        We consider the S3 symmetric extension of the Standard Model in which all the irreducible representations of the permutation group are occupied by SU(2) scalar doublets,
        one of which is taken as inert. We study the parameter space of the model probing points against physical constraints ranging from unitarity tests to experimental Higgs searches limits. We find that the latter constraints severely restrict the parameter space of the model, and that the relic density of the dark matter candidates lies below the Planck bound for
        a large portion of the probed regions.

        Speaker: Maria Catalina Espinoza Hernandez (IFUNAM)
    • 11
      "Black Holes, Fundamental Physics and the Information Paradox"
      Speaker: Malcolm J. Perry
  • Saturday 1 December
    • Plenary
      • 12
        Fundamental Interactions: The next generation
        Speaker: Francesco Sannino (Syddansk Universitet (DK))
      • 13
        "What is physical? - Local vs. Global Symmetries“
        Speaker: Axel Torsten Maas (University of Graz)
    • Poster Session: with coffee

      Is Fuzzy Dark Matter in Tension with Lyman-alpha Forest?
      Jui-Lin KUO

      Glueball decay rates in the Sakai-Sugimoto model
      Josef LEUTGEB

      Simulating the Glasma in 3+1 dimensions
      David MÜLLER

      Stability of the Higgs-vacuum as constraint on U(1) extensions of the Standard Model
      Zoltan PÉLI

      Quark masses and flavour mixing from asymptotic safety
      Markus SCHRÖFL

      Semiholography for Heavy Ion Collisions
      Alexander SOLOVIEV

      Quantum Null Energy Condition - Analytic, Perturbative and Numerical Results
      Philipp STANZER

      SModelS: An LHC new physics tool - Development towards general signatures beyond missing energy
      Alicia WONGEL

      Quark, gluon and ghost propagator in large-N_f Landau gauge QCD
      Fabian ZIERLER

    • Plenary
      • 14
        Black Hole Entropy from Soft Hair
        Speaker: Malcolm Perry
      • 15
        Soft Heisenberg hair
        Speaker: Daniel Grumiller (MIT)
    • Plenary
    • 15:30
    • Plenary
      • 18
        "The golden age of chirality and quantum mechanics"
        Speaker: Karl Landsteiner (Unknown)
      • 19
        "QCD in a magnetic background field"
        Speaker: Andreas Schaefer (Regensburg University)