Anthony Hartin
(Queen Mary University of London-University of London-Unknown)
Any future high energy e+e- linear collider aims at precision measurements of Standard Model quantities as well as of new, not yet discovered phenomena. In order to pursue this physics programme, excellent detectors at the interaction region have to be complemented by beam diagnostics of unprecedented precision. This talk gives an overview of current plans and issues for polarimeters and energy spectrometers at the International Linear Collider, which have been designed to fulfill the precision goals at a large range of beam energies from 45.6 GeV at the Z pole up to 250 GeV or, as an upgrade, up to 500 GeV.
Jenny List
Anthony Hartin
Daniela Kaefer
Eric Torrence
(University of Oregon)
Gudrid Moortgat-Pick
(University of Hamburg)
Heinz Juergen Schreiber
Ken Moffeit
Klaus Moenig
Mike Hildreth
Mike Woods
Peter Schueler
Sabine Riemann
Stewart Boogert
(Royal Holloway)
Takashi Maruyama