- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
CMSDAS is designed to help CMS physicists from across the collaboration to learn, or to learn more, about CMS analysis and thereby to participate in significant ways in any physics analysis including future discoveries. It enables physicists beginning analysis to easily join an ongoing analysis in a productive way. Since 2012, our first global year, schools have been held at FNAL, Pisa, Taipei, DESY, Kolkata, Bari and Korea and over 500 CMS students have now participated in the program. The format for each CMSDAS is very similar and some of the same facilitators attend each school.
A few key components of the CMSDAS School are required “homework”, assigned to registrants prior to attending the school and during the workshop sessions, emphasizing "hands on" work with CMS data. Each school starts with a morning devoted to informational plenary talks followed by the execution of a series of short and long exercises, the essential features of the school.
Prior to the school, attendees are required to complete a list of pre-exercises in order to be able to tackle more realistic problems at the tutorial sessions. They include for example, introducing CMSSW, DAS, fitting, etc. which ensures a fast start at the event.
The short exercises (several hours duration) cover all of the objects from jets to muons and many techniques from event generators to setting upper limits. They occur during the first half of the school followed by the long exercises during the second half. Long exercises are devoted to perform detailed physics measurements using CMS data in a 2.5-day intensive period by focused teams of about 6-8 students. Both, the short and long exercises are designed and facilitated by teams of 2-3 CMS experts called facilitators. Some long exercises go beyond the current state of the art of the corresponding CMS analysis. Thus providing opportunities to get plugged in to a CMS measurement through a long exercise at the school and become a part of the CMS measurement team on the paper.
Exercises will be predominantly based on ongoing Run2 analyses in various physics groups at CMS, as well as DPG tools (tracking, electron/photon, muons and jets reconstruction), Machine Learning and Statistical tools.
To register please click on the "Registration" on the left side menu.
CMS has just finished an exceptional year of data taking, and began a two-year long shutdown for the upgrade of the detector and of the LHC accelerator. The talk will present a short status summary, and the outlook of the present upgrade that will bring us to "Run 3" and of the much more challenging upgrade for the High-Luminosity LHC phase that will follow.
The LHC Run2 just ended with CMS recording almost 160 fb-1 of data. I will discuss some of the most important achievements of CMS with the collected data and the physics program and prospects for the analysis of the complete dataset in the next 2 years.
In spite of its extraordinary empirical success, one can still wonder why the SM works better than expected even by (some of) those people who have invented it. Given the many things that we still do not understand, a question like this one remains as a valid motivation for the multiple directions that are taken in exploring Beyond the Standard Model physics. A brief summary of these directions is attempted.
Registrants will have signed up for exercises this morning. During period 1 up to six short exercises are run in parallel. Registrants to go to the relevant room at start of period. Mentors will lead and help with each exercise. Each short exercise "module" is expected to take 2 hours to complete - using the "homework" tools completed prior to the Workshop