Development of superconducting undulator (SCU) technology continues at the Advanced Photon Source (APS). Recently, a new helical SCU has been added to the portfolio of two planar SCUs operating at the APS. The concept of a novel Superconducting Arbitrarily Polarizing Emitter, or SCAPE, has been suggested and tested in a prototype. Work on a long SCU which combines two up to 1.9-m long planar SCU undulator magnets in a 4.8-m long cryostat is in progress. In addition, an advantage of Nb3Sn-based undulator over NbTi-based SCU in generating higher undulator magnetic field will be demonstrated in a new project with a goal of developing and installing in the APS storage ring a Nb3Sn undulator. Description of these projects and their status are presented.