Wed-Af-Po3.20 - CCT Magnets and Field Quality of Accelerator Magnets
- Damien Simon (Université Paris-Saclay)
- Federica Pierro (Tufts University)
Iron free twin aperture superconducting quadrupole in the interaction region is a key technology to increase the luminosity for the high energy particle collider. The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) that China plan to build in the next 10 years, has the center-of-mass energy of 240 GeV and 33 mrad cross angle at the interaction regions. The beam separation distance at the front end...
The Canted Cosine Theta (CCT) magnet design is typically fabricated by winding individual turns into grooves machined into a metallic mandrel. This allows for precise placement of the conductor for field quality and also provides mechanical support against the Lorentz forces on an individual turn level. A new concept is explored in which the electrical continuity between adjacent turns is...
The Superconducting Linac of the CiADS (China Initiative Accelerator Driven System) project contains parts of quadrupoles with conventional design. The length of the magnets takes up a lot of space on the Linac. In order to make it more compact, a 40T/m Canted-Cosine-Theta (CCT) superconducting quadrupole prototype is presented, which is put into one cryomodule with solenoids. The design...
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, as an upgrade of the large hadron collider (LHC), is to be started in 2020. A set of twin aperture beam orbit corrector with Canted-Cosine-Theta (CCT) dipoles will be developed in China, with a field quality requirement of 10-3 in the two apertures. Cooperating with CERN, a twin aperture corrector is being fabricated as the prototypes before the series...
As a novel superconducting magnet scheme, Canted-Cosine-Theta(CCT) magnet has demonstrated advantages of superior field quality and structure compactness. Combining with Alternating-Gradient (AG) field feature, CCT magnets can be applied to proton therapy gantries with the momentum acceptance significantly increased. This paper will introduce design considerations of a 135 degree AG-CCT magnet...
At CERN the critical current of superconducting wires is measured in four test stations that use high-field superconducting solenoid magnets achieving up to 15 T. The reduction of the measurement uncertainty requires the field mapping of the solenoids in their operating condition. This paper presents the design, manufacture, and application of solenoidal-field transducers based on nested pairs...
The U.S. HL LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (AUP) (previously LARP) collaboration and CERN have joined efforts to develop high field quadrupoles for the Hi-Lumi LHC upgrade at CERN. The US national laboratories in the AUP program will deliver 10 cryostatted magnets and each cryostat has two 4.2 m long Nb3Sn quadrupoles with 150 mm aperture. The vertical magnet testing facility of the...
Search coils are used for fast and reliable measurements of field integrals as well as integral homogeneities of dipole magnets. A long experience exists at GSI using search coils in series measurements of synchrotron dipoles as well as measurements of dipoles with large deflecting angles.
The biggest advantage of this technique is a direct and fast measurement of the field integral. Current...
A new rotating coil measurement system based on the CMM is developed for measuring the High gradient small aperture quadrupole for the HEPS-TF. The system is located on the CMM's marble platform. The CMM and two Newport translate stages are combined to align the rotating coil to the magnet center within an accuracy of 10 μm. The integrated gradient strength, the field quality and the magnetic...
In the frame of a collaboration agreement between CERN and CEA, the Main Quadrupole (MQ) design of the so-called Future Circular Collider (FCC) has to be investigated. So far, a 2D electromechanical design has been proposed in the FCC Conceptual Design Report [1,2]. Here, the FCC MQ design is further investigated through a 3D electromagnetic design. The integrated field quality over the magnet...
Passive magnetic channel is a kind of beam focusing elements in cyclotron. It consists of several soft iron bars which are magnetized by the main field in cyclotron. One of the common method to design pole shape of the magnetic channels is based on a current sheet analytical model. Geometry parameters of the rectangular pattern pole shape are designed using this model. In this paper, we...