Identify all requirements for a fully working demonstrator instrument in the LHC tunnel by March 2020 (V3)
Identify “must haves” installation for LS2,
Summarise the know-how gained at Cockcroft, GSI and with the LHC fluorescence experiment. Identify the open issues with this knowledge gained with the aim of an operational instrument in LS2.
Review the administration progress (Planning, ECR done and in progress, Infrastructure requests, project founding, responsibility share boundaries)
Up-date on the status, requirements and compatibility with the HEL of the LS3 BGC (V4)
Agree on an experimental programme on the Crockcroft 2 test bench (V2) for 2019
Review the status and compatibility with the HEL of the LS3 BGC (V4)
Gas type: Neon is baseline. Summarise reasons for that choice. What were the impacts if change to Nitrogen or Argon.
Evaluate realistic goals for the performance concerning precision and resolution
Arguments to keep and modify the fluorescence test set-up for Run 3
Carsten Peter Welsch(Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)
Experimental results in 2018 from Cockcroft (20min + 10min)
i. Neon and Nitrogen gas jet formation
ii. Integration times
iii. Nozzle distances, Pressures of Neon
iv. Optimisations performed
v. Pressure profile across chambers with electron gun on/off and gas jet on/off
Amir Salehilashkajani(Liverpool University), DrHao Zhang(University of Liverpool/Cockcroft Institute)
Nuclear scattered particles in camera electronics (15min + 5min)
i. Compare fluorescence measurements with expected gas jet
ii. Estimate creation of background in camera
Stefano Mazzoni(CERN)
🍽️ Lunch 🍽️
Cafeteria 774 backroom
Cockcroft collaboration (20min + 5min)
i. Recruitment situation and plans, financial situation, main milestones
ii. Foreseen publications in 2019
Carsten Peter Welsch(Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)
Update on of the Hollow e-lens and e-beam (20min + 5min)
i. Update on HEL and electron beam diameter
ii. Clearing electrodes
iii. Update on e-lens parameters and interface
iv. Impact of nuclear scattered particles in E-lens?
v. Light sources in the E-lens?
i. Milestones
ii. To-do list (infrastructure requirements, cabling, gas piping)
iii. Engineering change requests with agreement on impedance, safety, aperture, vacuum