4–8 Nov 2019
Adelaide Convention Centre
Australia/Adelaide timezone

Monte Carlo event generator with model-independent new physics effect for B->K(*)ll decays

4 Nov 2019, 15:00
Hall G (Adelaide Convention Centre)

Hall G

Adelaide Convention Centre

Oral Track 6 – Physics Analysis Track 6 – Physics Analysis


Koji Hara (KEK)


At the high luminosity flavor factory experiments such as the Belle II
experiment, it is expected to find the new physics effect and
constrain the new physics models with the high statics and many
observables. In such analysis, the global analysis of the many
observables with the model-independent approach is important. One
difficulty in such global analysis is that the new physics could
affect the numerical results obtained by experiments assuming the
Standard Model, because of the changes of the reconstructed
kinematical distributions used in the event selection and in the
fitting to obtain the number of signal and background events.
Therefore, it is also important to prepare the event generator
including the new physics effects for the Monte Carlo simulation of
the detector response to estimate and consider the effects properly in
the global analysis.
In this work, we present development of the event generator of
B->K(*)ll decays including the new physics effect in the
model-independent way by parametrizing with the Wilson coefficients.
We implement the decay model using the EvtGen
[https://evtgen.hepforge.org/] framework so that it can be applicable
in the analysis software framework of the B physics experiments. For the
theoretical calculation of the new physics effect we consider the EOS
[https://eos.github.io/] library and other possible calculations. We
report the results obtained by the developed event generator and
application in the global analysis.

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