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23–26 Sept 2019
Other Institutes
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Solutions in Teleparallel Gravity: Gravitomagnetism and Rotational Effects

Not scheduled
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Other Institutes

Maritime Academy, Wały Chrobrego 1-2, Szczecin, Poland
Talk/Seminar Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions


Gabriel Farrugia (University of Malta)


The theory of $f(T)$ gravity shall be discussed in the context of gravitoelectromagnetism (GEM) where the modified GEM equations are discussed and derived. Through use of linearisation and perturbation techniques, specific metric solutions are obtained which are then used to investigate specific GEM effects such as the de Sitter and Lense-Thirring precessions. Following observations from Gravity Probe B, the $f(T)$ models are constrained and compared against cosmological constraints.

Primary author

Gabriel Farrugia (University of Malta)


Jackson Levi Said (University of Malta-Unknown-Unknown)

Presentation materials

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