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23–26 Sept 2019
Other Institutes
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Gravitational Waves Observations by LIGO and Virgo

26 Sept 2019, 09:00
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

Maritime Academy, Wały Chrobrego 1-2, Szczecin, Poland
Talk/Seminar Plenary Sessions Plenary Session


Vivien Raymond (Cardiff University)


On September 14th, 2015 the LIGO-Virgo collaboration made the first direct detection of gravitational waves, nearly one hundred years after Einstein first predicted them. Since, several gravitational waves have been detected, and we have been able to study new black holes and analyse the collision of two neutron stars. Now the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo observatories are on their third science run. Many more gravitational-wave candidates have been announced since its start in April 2019.
In this talk, I will review the detections and their physical and astrophysical implications as of the end of the second science run, and I'll give and update on the progress of current observations.

Primary author

Vivien Raymond (Cardiff University)

Presentation materials

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