1–5 Jul 2019
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Is Vacuum Decay During Inflation Fatal?

1 Jul 2019, 17:50
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

conference hall 0.03, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw ul. Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warszawa Poland
contributed talk Beyond I


Dr Stephen Stopyra (University College London)


If the Standard Model vacuum is metastable, bubbles that form expand and convert the entire vacuum into a true vacuum state incompatible with observations. It is sometimes argued, however, that true vacuum bubbles forming during inflation are 'inflated away' and thus pose no danger to the present day universe, even if they form. I will argue that this point of view is incorrect - while the exponential expansion of spacetime does affect the evolution of true vacuum bubbles, they do not, in fact, collapse to nothing and can in fact survive to the present day. Consequently, the electroweak vacuum instability must be fixed or circumvented if high scale inflation is to take place, providing strong hints that there must be new physics before the Planck scale.

Primary author

Dr Stephen Stopyra (University College London)

Presentation materials