8:00 AM
Beyond I
Chunshan Lin (morning)
Yi Wang (afternoon)
(until 7:50 PM)
8:00 AM
--- Reception ---
8:55 AM
openning remarks
- Dr
Chunshan Lin
9:00 AM
Observing the Universe with Gravitational Waves
- Prof.
Andrzej Królak
(the leader of Polgraw-Virgo group)
9:45 AM
Gravitational wave energy budget in strongly supercooled phase transitions
Marek Lewicki
(Kings College London)
10:05 AM
Echoes from Quantum Black Holes
Qingwen Wang
10:25 AM
Strong gravitational radiation from a simple dark matter model
- Dr
Camilo Garcia Cely
10:45 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:15 AM
Gravitational Wave Cosmology -The Dawn has Arrived!
- Prof.
Misao Sasaki
(Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo)
12:30 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Stochastic inflation: slow roll and beyond
- Prof.
David Wands
2:45 PM
Testing the Particle Dark Matter paradigm with future cosmological and astronomy surveys.
- Prof.
Celine Boehm
3:30 PM
Perturbatively renormalizable quantum gravity
Tim Morris
(Southampton University)
3:50 PM
--- coffee break ---
4:20 PM
Understanding the dynamical nature of late-time cosmic acceleration from dark energy and f(T) modified gravity
- Prof.
Yi-fu Cai
(University of Science and Technology of China)
5:05 PM
Cosmological implications of the electroweak vacuum instability
- Prof.
Arttu Rajantie
5:50 PM
Is Vacuum Decay During Inflation Fatal?
- Dr
Stephen Stopyra
(University College London)
6:10 PM
Could the H0 Tension be Pointing Toward the Neutrino Mass Mechanism?
Miguel Escudero
(King's College London)
8:45 AM
Beyond II
Marcus Werner (afternoon) Prof.
Celine Boehm (morning)
(until 7:20 PM)
8:45 AM
Dark Matter Indirect Detection
- Prof.
Marco Cirelli
10:00 AM
Hunting Axion Dark Matter with New Techniques
Tomohiro Fujita
(Kyoto University)
10:20 AM
--- coffee break ---
10:50 AM
Searching for Dark Matter across different Scales
- Dr
Wei Xue
11:35 AM
Light Dark Matter from Inelastic Cosmic Ray Collisions
Miguel D. Campos
(King's College London)
11:55 AM
Dark matter and baryon-number generation in quintessential inflation via hierarchical right-handed neutrinos
Soichiro Hashiba
12:15 PM
Poster session
Bryce Cyr
Matteo Cinus
Jan Olle
Michael Kenna-Allison
Juho Lankinen
Francesco Pace
Manuel Hohmann
Laura Iacconi
Emmanuel Frion
Jaksa Osinski
Tays Miranda de Andrade
Yun-Long Zhang
Yin Lu
Mohammad Malekjani
Sebastián Bahamonde Beltrán
Daniel Kristoffer Blixt
Xin Ren
12:45 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Gravity and cosmology beyond Einstein
- Prof.
Shinji Mukohyama
3:15 PM
Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity in four space-time dimensions
- Dr
Drazen Glavan
3:35 PM
--- coffee break ---
4:05 PM
Gravitational Effects of Disformal Couplings
- Prof.
Anne-Christine Davis
(DAMTP, Cambridge University)
4:50 PM
Resolving the strong coupling problem in massive gravity
- Prof.
Gregory Gabadadze
5:35 PM
Massive Gravity on a Brane
Daniel Older
5:55 PM
Cosmology of models with spontaneous scalarization: instability and a cure.
- Dr
Eugeny Babichev
(Paris-Sud University)
6:15 PM
Role of matter in modified gravity: a search for new interactions
- Dr
Emir Gumrukcuoglu
(Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, Portsmouth)
8:15 AM
Beyond III
Zygmunt Lalak
(until 1:30 PM)
8:45 AM
Scale invariance, Stueckelberg breaking of Weyl gravity and inflation
- Prof.
Dumitru Ghilencea
9:30 AM
Quantum scale invariance, hierarchy generation and inflation
- Prof.
Graham Ross
(Oxford University)
10:15 AM
Beyond Standard Model and Asymptotically Safe Gravity
- Mr
Jan Kwapisz
(Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)
10:35 AM
--- coffee break ---
11:05 AM
Flavor, CP, and Baryons
- Prof.
Mu-Chun Chen
(University of California, Irvine)
11:50 AM
Self-stopping relaxion
- Prof.
Géraldine Servant
12:35 PM
Neutrino Cosmology - Weighing the Ghost Particle with the Universe
- Dr
Elena Giusarma
(Flatiron Institute, New York)
8:45 AM
Beyond IV
Yifu Cai (afternoon) Prof.
Misao Sasaki (morning)
(until 7:45 PM)
8:45 AM
Reverse Engineering the Universe
Andrei Linde
(Stanford University)
10:00 AM
Probing the Inflationary Field Content with Primordial Gravitational Waves and more.
Matteo Fasiello
(ICG Portsmouth)
10:20 AM
--- coffee break ---
10:50 AM
The Search for Inflationary B-modes with the BICEP/Keck Telescopes
- Prof.
Clem Pryke
11:35 AM
Testing primordial Non-Gaussianty: perspectives beyond Planck
- Prof.
Michele Liguori
(University of Padova)
12:20 PM
Shift-symmetric orbital inflation: single field or multi-field?
- Mr
Dong-Gang Wang
(Leiden University)
12:40 PM
--- lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Updates on the Cosmological Collider Physics
- Prof.
Yi Wang
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
2:45 PM
Primordial Standard Clocks as Direct Probes of the Scenario of the Primordial Universe
- Prof.
Xingang Chen
(Harvard University)
3:30 PM
Stability of de Sitter spacetime against the backreaction of the infrared modes of scalar fields
Gabriel Moreau
(Université Paris Diderot)
3:50 PM
--- coffee break ---
4:20 PM
Monodromy inflation and an emergent mechanism for stabilising the cosmological constant
- Prof.
Tony Padilla
(University of Nottingham)
5:05 PM
Primordial-Black-Holes-as-CDM Scenario and Gravitational Waves
Misao Sasaki
5:25 PM
Cosmic Inflation and Dark Energy from the Electroweak Phase Transition
- Dr
Konstantinos Dimopoulos
(Lancaster University)
5:45 PM
Complementary probes of cosmic inflation
Jurgen Mifsud
(Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
6:05 PM
Constant roll warm inflation
- Dr
Michal Artymowski
(Jagiellonian University)
8:45 AM
Beyond V
Shinji Mukohyama (morning)
Alexander Vikman (afternoon)
(until 8:45 PM)
8:45 AM
Weyl Symmetry for Dark Matter and Dark Energy
- Prof.
Alexander Vikman
9:30 AM
Nonlocal Quantum Gravity
Leonardo Modesto
9:50 AM
Scalar-tensor theories beyond Riemannian
Katsuki Aoki
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
10:10 AM
--- coffee break ---
10:40 AM
Metric Optical Geometry and Beyond
- Prof.
Marcus Werner
(YITP, Kyoto University)
11:25 AM
Constraining primordial gravitational waves from inflation
- Prof.
Emanuela Dimastrogiovanni
12:10 PM
Possible resolution of a spacetime singularity with field transformations
- Prof.
Atsushi Naruko
12:30 PM
--- lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Emergent inflation from a Nambu–Jona-Lasinio mechanism in gravity with non-dynamical torsion
Antonino Marciano
(Fudan University)
2:20 PM
Primordial Kerr Black Holes
- Mr
Jérémy Auffinger
(Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
2:40 PM
Hamiltonians & degrees of freedom in "Lorentz-violating" field theories
Michael Seifert
(Connecticut College)
3:00 PM
Minimalism in modified gravity
- Prof.
Shinji Mukohyama
3:20 PM
--- coffee break ---
3:50 PM
Information Missing Puzzle, Where Is Hawking's Error?
Ding-Fang Zeng
4:10 PM
Macroscopic effects on neutralino dark matter depletion through large R-charge
Matthew Talia
(University of Sydney)
4:30 PM
Electroweak baryogenesis and dark matter from a complex singlet scalar
Da Huang
(University of Warsaw)
4:50 PM
Current status of smooth quantum gravity
Jerzy Krol
(University of Silesia)