Beyond General Relativity, Beyond Cosmological Standard Model
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Cosmology provides us a unique arena where gravitation and quantum physics meet each other. It is also a unique probe of ultra-high energy physics beyond energies that can be achieved at colliders. This conference aims at bringing together top researchers in the field to present recent breakthroughs, discuss on what we have learnt and what challenges we are still facing. The focus of this event involves several interrelated areas, from fundamental gravity theory through cosmology to new physics beyond standard model of particle physics. It includes, but not limited to:
(1) Physics of Primordial Universe; | (5) Black Hole Physics; |
(2) Modified Gravity Theories; | (6) CMB and Large Scale Structure; |
(3) Cosmological Constant Problem, Dark energy; | (7) Gravitational Waves; |
(4) Dark matter, Baryon asymmetry; |
The registration has opened.
A message to phd students:
We will provide local accommodations for the phd students with accepted abstract submissions (contributed talk). Therefore, if you need local support, please register yourself and submit your abstract early.
Depending on our budget, we may provide accommodations for some small number of PhD students in poster session as well.
List of Invited speakers (alphabetical order)
- Celine Boehm
- Yi-fu Cai
- Mu-Chun Chen
- Xingang Chen
- Marco Cirelli
- Anne-Christine Davis
- Emanuela Dimastrogiovanni
- Matteo Fasiello
- Gregory Gabadadze
- Dumitru Ghilencea
- Elena Giusarma
- Andrzej Królak
- Michele Liguori
- Andrei Linde
- Shinji Mukohyama
- Antonio Padilla
- Clem Pryke
- Arttu Rajantie
- Graham Ross
- Misao Sasaki
- Géraldine Servant
- Alexander Vikman
- David Wands
- Yi Wang
- Marcus Werner
- Wei Xue
This is the summer session of a series of seasonal workshops on gravity and cosmology, held in the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. The last winter session can be found here , and the spring session can be found here .
Adetunji Adeyale eric
Adolfo Cisterna
Akindunbi Oluwatosin
Aleksander Kolodziej
Aleksander Kołodziej
Alexander Vikman
Ali Övgün
Andrea Addazi
Andrei Linde
Andrzej Krolak
Anna Socha
Anne-Christine Davis
Antonino Marciano
Antonio Ferreiro
Arttu Rajantie
Atsushi Naruko
Aya Iyonaga
Bohdan Grządkowski
Bryce Cyr
Camilo Garcia Cely
Chandra Shekhar Saraf
Christopher Pattison
Chunshan Lin
Clement Pryke
Cristian Erices
Céline Boehm
Da Huang
Daniel Blixt
Daniel Older
David Wands
Ding-fang Zeng
Dong-Gang Wang
Drazen Glavan
Dumitru Ghilencea
Elena Giusarma
Ema Dimastrogiovanni
Emir Gumrukcuoglu
Emmanuel Frion
Eugeny Babichev
Fernando Moucherek
Francesco Pace
Gabriel Moreau
Geraldine Servant
Giovanni Grilli di Cortona
Graham Ross
Gregory Gabadadze
Haitao Miao
Hemza Azri
Huda Algendy
Ignacy Sawicki
Ippocratis Saltas
Jacek Osinski
Jan Kwapisz
Jan Olle Aguilera
Jerzy Król
Jinn-Ouk Gong
Juho Lankinen
Jurgen Mifsud
Jérémy Auffinger
Katsuki Aoki
Konstantinos Dimopoulos
Krzysztof Bolejko
Krzysztof Turzyński
Laura Iacconi
Lawrence Dam
Leonardo Modesto
Leonid Verozub
Leszek Roszkowski
Lu Yin
Luigi Tedesco
Luiza Wiślicz
Manuel Hohmann
Marco Cirelli
Marcus Werner
Marek Demiański
Marek Lewicki
Marek Olechowski
Matteo Cinus
Matteo R. Fasiello
Matthew Talia
Michael Kenna-Allison
Michael Seifert
Michal Artymowski
Michał Iglicki
Michele Liguori
Miguel Campos Vidal
Miguel Escudero
Mikołaj Korzyński
Misao Sasaki
Mohammad Malekjani
Mu-Chun Chen
Omar Alaryani
Paulina Michalak
Qingwen Wang
Rajesh Kumar Dubey
Sabir Ramazanov
Saikat Chakraborty
Sebastian Bahamonde
Shamik Ghosh
shi cheng
shi cheng
Shinji Mukohyama
Soichiro Hashiba
Stephen Stopyra
Subir Sarkar
Tae Hoon Lee
Taotao Qiu
Tays Miranda de Andrade
Tim Morris
Tomohiro Fujita
Tony Padilla
Ville Vaskonen
Wei Xue
Xin Ren
Xingang Chen
Yi Wang
Yi-Fu Cai
Yuhong Fang
Yun-Long Zhang
Zahra Davari Dolatabadi
Zygmunt Lalak
Łukasz Nakonieczny