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J/$\psi$ production at mid-rapidity in p-Pb collisions with the ALICE detector

4 Nov 2019, 17:40
Wanda Han Show Theatre & Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Wanda Han Show Theatre & Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Poster Presentation Heavy flavor and quarkonium Poster Session


Shinichi Hayashi (University of Tokyo (JP))


The understanding of cold nuclear matter (CNM) effects are essential to study the properties of a state of deconfined quarks and gluons, the quark-gluon plasma, created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. CNM effects can be studied in p-Pb collisions.
Furthermore, some results in high-multiplicity p-Pb collisions suggest collectivity similar to that in Pb-Pb collisions. For J/$\psi$ production, a positive second-order flow coefficient ($v_{2}$) was observed at forward and backward rapidity and the origin of this J/$\psi$ $\it{v}_{2}$ remains an open question.
The centrality dependent nuclear modification factor ($\it{Q}_{\rm{pPb}}$) as a function of transverse momentum ($\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$) was also measured at backward and forward rapidity. At backward rapidity an enhancement of the J/$\psi$ yield was observed around intermediate $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ in central p-Pb collisions, while the J/$\psi$ yield is strongly suppressed at low $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ at forward rapidity.

A multi-differential analysis with respect to collision centrality and $\it{p}_{T}$ is performed for inclusive J/$\psi$ production at mid-rapidity via the dielectron decay channel with the ALICE detector. In this poster, the centrality dependence of the inclusive J/$\psi$ production will be presented as well as the inclusive J/$\psi$ nuclear modification factor in minimum bias events. We will discuss CNM effects and other collective effects on J/$\psi$ production in p-Pb collisions by comparing the results to the J/$\psi$ measurement at backward and forward rapidity.

Primary author

Shinichi Hayashi (University of Tokyo (JP))

Presentation materials