The ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is optimised for the inverstigation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in heavy-ion collisions. Charm quarks are effective probes to elucidate the properties of the QGP. They are dominantly produced at the initial stage of the collisions via hard partonic scattering processes and experience the whole evolution of the system.Charm-baryon measurements provide unique insight into hadronisation processes. In particular, the baryon-to-meson ratio is expected to be enhanced if charm quarks hadronise via recombination with the surrounding light quarks in the QGP. Moreover, in such a recombination picture, the baryon-to-meson ratio could further be enhanced in the presence of diquark bound states in the hot and dense QCD medium.
Measurements of charm-baryon production in pp collisions are essential to establish a baseline for Pb--Pb collisions studies.In addition, the measurements in pp collisions provide critical tests of pQCD calculations and for models of charm hadronisation in vacuum.In this poster the $p_{T}$ differential cross section times branching ratio of the $\Xi^{0}_{c}$ baryon measured in the decay channel $\Xi^{0}_{c} \rightarrow e\Xi\nu$ in pp collisions will be reported.