In a collision of two identical heavy-ions, the participant zone formed from the overlapping region of the two colliding nuclei contains unequal number of nucleons from each nucleus due to fluctuations. Consequently, the participant zone has a non-zero momentum in the centre of mass frame of the colliding nuclei, causing a longitudinal asymmetry. Using data in Pb-Pb collisions at centre of mass energy 2.76 TeV, the ALICE experiment had demonstrated that the longitudinal asymmetry manifests itself in the measured pseudorapidity distributions. In the present work, the results on the pseudorapidity distributions and the estimated shift in the rapidity will be presented using data from Pb-Pb collisions at centre of mass energy 5.02 TeV. The shift in rapidity of the participant zone due to the longitudinal asymmetry is estimated using the unequal energy deposited in the forward zero- degree calorimeters on either side of the interaction vertex. The results show the relation between the shift in rapidity and the centre of mass energy. In addition, results will be presented for pseudorapidity distributions for charged particles in different transverse momentum intervals.