\title{Quantitative evaluation of muon track matching efficiency with Muon Forward Tracker and Muon Spectrometer at ALICE}
\author{Kaede Kamano for the ALICE collaboration}
\date{June 2019}
ALICE has been designed to study the quark-gluon plasma in heavy-ion collisions at LHC. Extensive efforts in the ALICE upgrade projects are currently being made toward LHC-Run3 (2021-2024). The Muon Forward Tracker (MFT), one of the new detectors, will be installed upstream of the hadron absorber in front of the Muon Spectrometer (MUON). The vertex information is smeared out with the present MUON setup due to multiple scattering occurring in this absorber. This prevents us from precisely measuring the track direction which plays a crucial role in determining the mass resolution especially in the low transverse momentum region. The chiral nature of the phase transition can be investigated via low mass vector meson measurements with superior mass resolution provided by MFT. The present uncertainty in the vertex region prevents us from distinguishing between charm and beauty, and between prompt and displaced J/$\psi$.\par
The matching performance between MFT and MUON is therefore crucial to improve the dimuon mass resolution and reject muons from hadron decays in the hadron absorber. The matching efficiency is calculated including multiple scatterings in the hadron absorber simulated by Geant4. The measured charged particle multiplicity and a quality of muon tracks are carefully taken into account in the calculation. In this poster, we present the results of the evaluation of the muon track matching efficiency.