Studies of collisions of highly accelerated ions are the key to understand the creation of quark matter. Experimental physicists put considerable effort in collecting information characterizing the various processes occurring during such collisions. In order to describe such scenarios, complex models have been constructed, one of them being the EPOS approach. It applies Parton-based Gribov-Regge theory as an initial condition, introduces the core-corona approach, hydrodynamical evolution and hadronic cascades as well. The model is used by an experimental physicist at the LHC or in cosmic ray physics. However, the proper theoretical description of the collisions occurring in the region of higher baryon densities (i. e. studied in the frame of Beam Energy Scan program) requires the introduction of the first order phase transition and possible Critical Point (CP).
The new Equation of State (EoS) proposed by BEST collaboration [1] is introduced in the model. It contains all corssover, first and second order (CP) transitions of the matter. Furthermore, the location of the CP can be changed. Studies of the impact of the new EoS on final observables will be discussed and compared with the published experimental data.
[1] P. Parotto et al.: 'Lattice-QCD-based equation of state with a critical point', arXiv:1805.05249