Borge Nielsen
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
The large Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is the main tracking and PID
device of the ALICE detector. It is currently being upgraded with a new
readout system, including new GEM-based Readout Chambers and new
front-end electronics. This will enable to operate the TPC in continuous mode,
recording the full minimum-bias interaction rate of 50 kHz in Pb-Pb, as
anticipated at the LHC in Run3 and beyond.
In this presentation, we discuss the physics potential of the upgraded TPC
and show the status of the TPC upgrade activities during the ongoing LHC
Long Shutdown 2, for which the TPC was lifted into a large clean room at
ground level. First results of the commisioning tests will be presented.
Borge Nielsen
(University of Copenhagen (DK))