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Influence of the neutron skin effect on nuclear isobar collisions at RHIC

4 Nov 2019, 17:40
Wanda Han Show Theatre & Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Wanda Han Show Theatre & Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Poster Presentation Chirality, vorticity and spin polarization Poster Session


Jan Hammelmann


The unambiguous observation of a Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME)-driven charge separation is the core aim of the isobar program at RHIC consisting of ${^{96}_{40}}$Zr+${^{96}_{40}}$Zr and ${^{96}_{44}}$Ru+${^{96}_{44}}$Ru collisions at $\sqrt {s_{\rm NN}}\!=\!200$ GeV.We quantify the role of the isobars spatial distributions on both the eccentricity and the magnetic field strength within a relativistic hadronic transport approach (SMASH).In particular, we introduce isospin-dependent nucleon-nucleon spatial correlations in the geometric description of both nuclei, deformation for ${^{96}_{44}}$Ru and the so-called neutron skin effect for the neutron-rich isobar i.e. ${^{96}_{40}}$Zr.The main result of this study is a reduction of the magnetic field strength difference between ${^{96}_{44}}$Ru+${^{96}_{44}}$Ru and ${^{96}_{40}}$Zr+${^{96}_{40}}$Zr from $10\%$ to $5\%$ in peripheral collisions when the neutron-skin effect is included.Further, we find an increase up to 10\% of the eccentricity when deformation is taken into account while neither the neutron skin effect nor the nucleon-nucleon correlations result into a significant modification of this observable with respect to the traditional Woods-Saxon modeling.Our results suggest a smaller CME signal to background ratio for the experimental charge separation measurement in peripheral collisions with the isobar systems than previously expected.

Primary author


Hannah Elfner Dr Massimiliano Alvioli (CNR-IRPI) Mark Strikman (Pennsylvania State University (US)) Alba Soto Ontoso (Brookhaven National Lab)

Presentation materials