Parallel Session - Small systems I
- Federico Antinori (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
Measurements of long-range, collective azimuthal correlations involving heavy-flavor quarks provide a powerful tool for unraveling the origin of the collectivity observed in small collision systems. In particular, these measurements are sensitive to the early stages of the collisions. As compared to those for light flavor hadrons, large azimuthal anisotropy signals have been observed by CMS...
ATLAS measurements of azimuthal anisotropy of heavy flavor mesons in the small systems is presented. A template fit method is used to subtract non-flow contributions using simultaneous fit to low and high charged-particle multiplicity samples. The heavy flavor flow in $p$+Pb is studied using multiple probes, including prompt $D^{0}$ mesons, J/$\psi$, and muons from semi-leptonic decays of...
To study the microscopic structure of quark-gluon plasma, data from hadronic collisions must be confronted with models that go beyond fluid dynamics. Here, I describe a study of a kinetic theory model that encompasses fluid dynamics but contains also particle-like excitations in a boost invariant setting with no symmetries in the transverse plane. The kinetic theory results are compared to...
We present a comprehensive measurement of the transversal momentum ($p_T$) and multiplicity ($N_{ch}$) dependence of azimuthal harmonics $v_2$ and $v_3$ in RHIC small system scan at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV. This measurement contains several new results and important improvements: 1) previous results on $v_2$ in p+Au and d+Au collisions are now expanded to include $^3$He+Au collisions, as well...
Quarkonium production measurements represent a key probe to investigate the space-time properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in heavy-ion collisions. Measurements in small systems, namely pA and proton-proton (pp), are crucial in order to interpret correctly results in heavy-ion collisions. Potential initial-state effects can be constrained through the measurement of the nuclear...
The particular azimuthal angular correlation between a heavy meson and a light hadron has first been measured at the LHC recently. In this two particle correlation method, the experimental results show that the elliptic flows for heavy-flavor mesons (J/psi and D^0) are almost as large as those for light hadrons. We investigate the angular correlation between a heavy quarkonium and a charged...