Parallel Session - Search for the CP II
- Yuxin Liu (Peking University)
In this talk I will discuss possible observables of baryon number clustering due to the instabilities occurring at a first order QCD phase transition.
The dynamical formation of baryon clusters at a QCD phase transition can be described by numerical fluid dynamics, augmented with a gradient term and an equation of state with a mechanically unstable phase [1]. I will show that
the dynamical...
In high energy nuclear collisions, light nuclei can be regarded as a cluster of baryons and their yields are sensitive to the baryon density fluctuations. Thus, the production of light nuclei can be used to study the QCD phase transition, at which the baryon density fluctuation will be enhanced. For example, the ratio of proton ($N(p)$) and triton ($N(t)$) to deuteron ($N(d)$) yields, which is...
To describe dynamics of bulk and fluctuations near the QCD critical point we develop general relativistic fluctuation formalism for a fluid carrying baryon charge. Feedback of fluctuations modifies hydrodynamic coefficients including bulk viscosity and conductivity. We perform necessary UV renormalization to obtain cutoff independent deterministic equations suitable for numerical...
Upcoming experimental programs, like the Beam Energy Scan at RHIC, will look for signatures of a possible critical point in the QCD phase diagram in fluctuation observables. To understand and predict these signatures, one must account for the fact that the dynamics of any critical fluctuations must be out-of-equilibrium: because of critical slowing down, the fluctuations cannot stay in...
We demonstrate that the bimodal proton multiplicity distribution, possibly present close to the QCD first order phase transition (or the QCD critical point), reproduces the preliminary data for the proton cumulants measured by the STAR collaboration at 7.7 GeV very well. This model then predicts very large values for the fifth, sixth and higher order factorial cumulants. We argue that the...
J-PARC is one of the world’s highest-intensity proton accelerators for material and life sciences, neutrino physics, and hadron and nuclear physics. By acceleration of heavy-ion beams, J-PARC could also become a high-intensity frontier heavy-ion beam facility. For heavy-ion acceleration, we will build a new compact heavy-ion linac and a booster ring as an injector, while we utilize the...