Parallel Session - Jet Modification III
- Magdalena Djordjevic (Institute of Physics Belgrade)
Studies of jet structure in heavy-ion collisions can provide information about the mechanism of jet quenching in the hot and dense QCD medium created in these collisions and about its properties over a range of distance scales. This talk presents the latest ATLAS measurement of the internal structure of jets to shed more light on the modification of the parton showering process in the presence...
Measurements of jets produced in collisions of heavy ions, such as dijet asymmetry, boson-jet momentum imbalance, and inclusive jet spectra, have consistently indicated final states of less energy as compared to pp collisions. This energy loss is interpreted as a signature of the quark-gluon plasma. Subsequent studies have shown that the energy lost by jets is redistributed to large angle and...
We present measurements of the semi-inclusive distribution of charged jets recoiling from a trigger hadron in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV. This
technique provides precise, data-driven suppression of the large uncorrelated background in such measurements. It uniquely enables the exploration of medium-induced modification of jet production and acoplanarity...
Using the CUJET3 framework [1], we predict dijet acoplanarity observables using jet-medium couplings that are $\chi^2$ constrained by global RHIC&LHC $R_{AA}$ data, thereby significantly extending our previous work in [2]. We compare the predicted dijet relative azimuthal angle distributions for jets propagating through both perturbative (wQGP/HTL) and nonperturbative (sQGMP) models of the...
In this work we present an analysis of the role that the quark-gluon plasma resolution length, the minimal distance by which two nearby colored charges in a jet must be separated such that they engage with the plasma independently, plays in the understanding of modifications of jet substructure modification due to interaction with QGP. The shorter the resolution length of QGP is the better the...