Parallel Session - Initial state II
- Bolek Wyslouch (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
We present the first measurements of diffraction in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=8.16$ TeV proton-lead collisions within CMS. The very large angular coverage of CMS is used to tag rapidity gaps on both the proton-going and lead-going sides and to identify both pomeron-lead and pomeron-proton topologies. Since the previous highest energy measurement of these processes was at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=30$ GeV, the...
We propose a new scenario characterizing the transition of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in heavy-ion collisions from a highly non-equilibrium state at early times toward a fluid described by hydrodynamics at late times. In this scenario, the bulk evolution is governed by a set of slow modes, after an emergent time scale τ_{Redu} when the number of modes that govern the bulk evolution...
We use the leading-order QCD kinetic equations with quarks and gluons to study the QGP in the far-from-equilibrium state. At weak coupling, we demonstrate the emergence of early hydrodynamic behavior--prescaling--around a nonthermal fixed point, which is qualitatively different from the more conventional hydrodynamics around equilibrium. Prescaling is a far-from-equilibrium phenomenon which...
We show how far-from-equilibrium hydrodynamics may be systematically defined, for arbitrary flow profiles, in terms of a generalized tensorial expansion with transport coefficients that contain an all order resummation in gradients. In this formulation, the transport coefficients of far-from-equilibrium fluid dynamics depend not only on the microscopic properties of the system but also on the...
The initial conditions for matter produced in the fragmentation region of high
energy hadronic collisions can be computed using the theory of the Color Glass Condensate. We consider the scattering of a classical color charge from a large nucleus and compute produced radiation in the fragmentation region of the classical color charge. Our results are to all order in the strength of the color...
The next-to-leading order (NLO) Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation describing the high-energy evolution of the scattering between a dilute projectile and a dense target suffers from instabilities unless it is supplemented by a proper resummation of the radiative corrections enhanced by large transverse logarithms. These instabilities are associated with large, anti-collinear, double logarithms...