Parallel Session - New theoretical developments II
- Sourendu Gupta (TIFR)
We present a new method to calculate the final decay spectrum of direct resonance decays directly from hydrodynamic fields on a freeze-out surface. The method is based on identifying components of the final particle spectrum that transform in an irreducible way under rotations in the fluid-restframe. Corresponding distribution functions can be pre-computed including all resonance decays. Just...
The problem of quarkonium production in heavy ion collisions presents a set of unique theoretical challenges – from the relevant production mechanism of $J/\psi$s and $\Upsilon$s
to the relative significance of distinct cold and hot nuclear matter effects in the observed attenuation of quarkonia. In the well-defined leading power factorization limit of non-relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics...
We propose and develop a new formalism that generalizes the Color Glass Condensate approach to high energy scattering by including both small and large $x$ gluons in the wave function of a target proton or nucleus. This allows one to treat particle production at both low and high transverse momenta on the same footing. We illustrate the formalism by calculating the differential cross section...
Nowadays powerful accelerators collide heavy-ions at high energies in order to recreate the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) which is a hot and dense state of matter that is believed to have filled our universe shortly after the Big Bang. We propose a new approach to study the QGP by using very energetic jets produced in the same collisions which can be utilized as controllable hard probes. Measuring...
In holographic heavy ion collisions it is possible to follow both the energy density and a globally conserved (baryon) number density throughout the evolution, dual to a metric and Maxwell field in the dual bulk theory, respectively. At infinite coupling, past work has shown that after the collision the baryon number ends up around mid-rapidity, which is different from high energy heavy ion...
Medium-induced parton splitting is the building block for jet evolution in the presence of a hot QCD medium and plays a central role in quantitative studies of jet quenching. It exhibits two regimes: the one dominated by one single hard scattering at high frequency, and the other by multiple soft scattering at low frequency. A closed analytic formula encompassing both regimes is so far...