15–17 Jul 2019
Other Institutes
Europe/Madrid timezone

Conference Dinner & Lunch

The WEMS2019 Conference Dinner will be held on 16th July 2019 (Tuesday) at the Guggenheim Bistró Restaurant:


As Bistró Restaurant is in high demand, we have to confirm the exact number of attendees BEFORE 24th, MAY 2019. Please, send to iraultza.unzueta@gmail.com a confirmation email indicating whether you are coming to the dinner or not. Additionally, if accompanied (wife, husband, friend...)  please indicate it also. We need to know the total number of attendees to the Conference Dinner as soon as possible.

Being a large group, there will be a reduced carte menu of 30 € (+2€ for coffee and infusions).

Although there is no hurry yet, we will have to specify our menu in advance, so they can manage it all for such a large group. Please, have a look to the carte and send your choice to iraultza.unzueta@gmail.com with the subject "Menu Bistró: your_name" and with the following body:


- Starter:

- Main course:

- Dessert:  

- Lunch at Iberdrola tower? YES or NO (see below)

If you are planning to come with another person which is not registered in the conference (friend, husband, wife...), please indicate also their choices in the same e-mail. 

Regarding the lunch, close to the conference site there is a canteen in the Iberdrola tower:


This is the ideal option for large groups like ours. Due to safety policy, they need to know in advance the people entering the tower. If you decide to come to the Iberdrola tower for lunch, please indicate it in the same email in order to notify the Iberdrola tower the number of the expected attenders.